Part 4

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After everyone left hours later, I was stuck with clean up duty.

"How come you guys can't help?" I asked as Max, Chance, and Vincent all sat down at the couch, drinking beer. "That's woman work." Vincent commented picking up the remote and turning the tv on. I gritted my teeth and placed the broom down. No way in hell am I gonna let him think of woman like that, call me a feminist if you'll like. I walked over and stood in front of the tv, with my arms crossed.

"Hey, what's the deal?" Vincent groaned, trying to push me out of the way. "All three of you are gonna help." I demanded. "And you," I pointed at Vincent. "Are the one who throws these parties!" I exclaimed. "What's with the attitude?" Chance asked. I glared at him.

"Cause all three of you never help clean! Ya'll just say it's 'woman work' well it's not. Men can clean!" I screeched. I gave out a huff and stomped my foot.

"Geez, we'll help." Max rolled his eyes. "Good."


"How does this work?" Max gritted as he was trying to turn on the vacuum. You got to be kidding me right now. Literally, a six year old could work one of these. "Give it to me." I sneered, snatching the machine from him, he just stood and smirked. "It's called pressing the on button." I pressed it and gave the vacuum back to Max. "Wow, thanks Sherlock." He joked. "Next time you should google it because half the time you don't know how anything works."

"Ooh snap." Chance chuckled. Max gave us both glares before vacuuming the living room. "You sure aren't in a good mood." Chance commented as I began to throw away solo cups. "I hate cleaning. Plus I think it's almost that time of the month." I shrugged. "I didn't need to know the last part." Chance laughed.

"One day, you'll have to deal with it, buddy." I patted his shoulder before throwing the cups away. "Noted." I hear him say.

"I hate cleaning!" Vincent whined as he sweep the patio. I rolled my eyes to his response. "So do I, but I have to do this every week, so how about you man up for once." I snapped. I'm tired of cleaning up after him, I been doing it ever since we were kids. He always gets to make messes and I'm the Cinderella that has to clean it up, I'm just done with his kid act.

Don't get me wrong, I love him, but seriously clean up after yourself. I honestly feel bad for his future wife or husband, hey I'm not gonna judge his sexuality.


After we all cleaned, mostly me, the house the boys decided it was a good idea to head to the park and play basketball and here's the catch, I had to play with them. I don't even know how to dribble.

"Come on it'll be fun!" Chance begged as I walked up the stairs. "No, all of you will just laugh at me." Chance grabbed my wrist and stopped me from going into my room. I huffed and turned around. I then ripped my arm away from the tingly feeling he gives me. "I won't." He pleaded.

"Yeah, but Vincent and Max will." I mumbled. Chance reached out and grabbed my hand and said, "they don't matter," before dragging me down the stairs. "Did you convinced her?" Max asked looking down at our conjoined hands, I quickly snatched it away. "More like dragged." Chance laughed. Vincent then ran down the stairs and dribbling the basketball once he hit the floor.

"Okay let's go." He urged, snatching his keys and running out the house to his car. All three of us went after him.


Another reason I really didn't wanna go to the park was it was almost dark and I didn't want to get bitten up by bugs because I know Vincent doesn't have bug spray.

Once we got there, we parked and got out of the car. Vincent and Max began passing the ball to each other till we reached the basketball court. "We need teams." Max said. "Okay....Chance you're with me." Vincent said. Chance shrugged and jogged over to Vincent.

"Why do you get the basketball player?! Now I'm stuck with her!" Max exclaimed, causing the other two to laugh at him. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "You haven't even seen me play." I retorted. Max huffed and tossed the ball to me. "Then let's see."

I suck.

Seriously. I really can't play basketball. Chance kept his promise and didn't laugh, but you can tell he wanted too. The others just burst out laughing.

"It isn't funny!" I whined as I tried to dribble and shoot the ball. It failed every single time. I huffed and finally decided to make these jerk shut up. I began to get the hang of dribbling and soon I began to dribble pretty well. I then lined up on the three point line, aimed, and shoot. I closed my eyes when the ball left my hand. "Omg you did it." Max squealed. I opened my eyes and glared at him. "Did at least hit the rim?" All three shook their heads.

I groaned and sat down on the ground. "This is why I don't do sports." I commented, stretching my arms. I gave out a yawn and rubbed my eyes. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm pooped." I mentioned.

"We were only here for 30 minutes." Chance replied. I shrugged. "Long enough for me."

"How about you go over there and sit on the bench." Vincent suggested. I gave a small nod before making my way over to an empty bench.


I sat and watched the play their game. It was boring and I ended up walking over to the swings. Gosh know that they'll stay longer then they say. I grabbed my phone out and sat on one for the swings. I pushed myself off the ground and began to rock back and forth.

I scrolled the through Pinterest, looking at all the different DIYs. I honestly think that some of this stuff probably doesn't work and the finish images of the product looks photoshops, but I'm not gonna judge. It's that persons time and money being wasted.

After about 20 minutes of swinging and looking at Pinterest, I decided to head back and see if we can finally go. To my surprised all three boys were talking to some chicks who was walking by. I tried not to get jealous when I saw Chance talking to one of the girls. How am I suppose to compete with someone gorgeous like her? She was fit, had nice hair, and her eyes just glow. I didn't know what to do, but sit back at one of the benches and wait till they're all done flirting.

"Mae!" Chance shouted. I looked up and waved. He said something to the girl he was talking to and then jogged over to me. He sat down and turned so that he was facing me. "Where were you? We looked over at you, to see if you were ready to leave, and you were gone."

"Oh, I just got bored and went over to the swings." I replied. "Good, because you got your bother worried for a moment till he saw some girls." He laughed, I joined in too. "Next time, tell us where you're going." He warns.

"I'm not a kid, Chance."

"I know." He rolled his eyes before getting up. "Let's go and get them away form those poor souls. I kinda wanna hit the hay." I nodded in agreement as Chance and I walked over to the rest of the group.

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