Part 7

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>Max Wilder<

I didn't understand Shae. She wasn't what I expected in most girls. She was different, especially since she was falling for Chance and not me. Seriously, Chance over me? I always gotten the girls, while he was always friend zoned, but now it looks like Shae doesn't see me in that way or maybe she was too love struck to even fall for me.

I stood in the kitchen with my arms crossed staring down at her, with a small smirk playing against my lips. She really did crack me up. It's fun to mess with her.

"Worse?" I questioned, scrunching my eyebrows together to make it seem like I was confused. She gave me an annoyed look in return. "Yeah, worse. I don't want people to think that I'm dating you." She said in disgust, all I could do is laugh. She will always be mean to me.

"I don't know about that, Shae. Many find me attractive." I replied, walking up to her. We were now inches away, I looked down at her, giving a small smile. In response, she gulped and shifted awkwardly. I knew she would react like this, I knew I had an affect on her. "What are you doing?" She gasped as I leaned down next to her ear. I gave a little bite on her earlobe whispering,

"Nothing," before turning around and leaving her there. I didn't even looked back.

>Sadie Mae<

What the hell just happen? Seriously, what just happen? Was this some kind of game he's playing with me. That son of a-

"Mae!" I shook out of my thoughts as I glanced over at Chance. He gave me a big wave as he made his way over to me. I gave him a smile.

"Hi, Chance." I breathed, running my hands through my hair. I'm still shocked at what happen between Max and I. Suddenly, a girl came walking in, looking around till she saw Chance. My heart dropped. Who was this girl? Why was she with Chance?

I sound possessive, I know I do. I just can't help seeing Chance with someone else, it's like no one else is good enough except for me. I'm pretty sure that's how every girl feels when they have a major crush on a guy. They feel like they are the only ones to make that person happy. The girl made her way over and grabbed ahold of Chance's hand. I bit my lip.

"This is Sarah." Chance introduced us. All I did was give a forced smile and greeted her nicely. I can't look jealous, Chance would think of me as selfish and rude. And I would hate for him to feel that way towards me, I don't wanna set off that vibe.

"It's so nice to meet you, Sadie!" She gleamed, giving me a big smile. Man, she really was perfect for Chance. Her curves were flawless and her smile jaw dropping. She could be a model, honestly. I never really knew why I judged myself to other skinnier girls, I know I can never be that skinny. Maybe if I diet and exercise everyday. Starving myself, sounds way easier than that's also unhealthier.

"It's nice to meet you too." I grinned as I watched Chance wrap his arm around her tiny frame. That should be me.

I glanced between them as they smiled down at each other, both looking so happy. I couldn't bare it anymore. "Well, I think I'm gonna go..." I awkwardly stated as I shifted past them. Chance gave me a confused look, but shrugged it off soon after. "Okay, well see you later then." He hollered after me, but I was already gone.


I searched for Taylor in the backyard, desperately wanting to leave so that I could cry in my room by myself. How could Taylor lie to me like that? Messing with my feelings like its some kind of game. I should be angry at her for doing this to me, for making me believe that Chance could ever like me, but I was sad, heartbroken and all I wanted to do was hug her tight as I sobbed into her shoulder.

I stumbled over towards her, my years slowly making my vision blurry. Oh please don't cry here Sadie, at least wait for the car. I bit my lip as I tugged on her arm. She turned around, clearly annoyed that I ruined her flirt fest with some guys. It suddenly vanished as she saw my expression on my face.

Taylor grasped me against her and held onto me as if I were to burst into dust. I didn't cry, I didn't sob. I just felt numb, I felt useless. Chance didn't want me, he didn't desire for my touch. All he saw was a little sister. I hate being friend zoned. I hate being the little sister.

"Wanna go?" She whispered in my ear. I gulped and slowly nodded, my throats becoming dry as we walked in each other arms. I glanced over at Chance, he didn't even look back at me. He was kissing her, holding her.

I licked my lips, they were so dry.

I then looked over at Max, he was holding a girl on his lap, but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at me. Giving me a cold stare, wondering what the heck has happen to me. I blinked away and looked down towards the ground.

Soon enough, we were in the car. Taylor looked at me and sighed.

"What happen?" I shrugged. "Chance.." I breathed, not baring to look at her eyes.

"What did he do?"

"It's more like, what did you do!" I snapped, as a tear slipped down my cheek. You lied to me, Taylor.

"What-" Anger boiled through me, she knew what she did.

"Don't even think that you have no idea what happen! You lied about Chance liking me!" I cried, looking over at her. I wanted her to see how much this has hurt me. How much my heart is hurting. She scrunched up her face and responded,

"I don't know what-" suddenly, she stopped, guilt washing over her face. She looked down, ashamed to even look at me. "Sadie, it was a mistake." She whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek. I wanted to slap her. Hard. I wanted to unleash all my anger and frustration out. But I knew doing that won't solve my problems. It won't change the fact that Chance doesn't like me.

"What do you even mean?" I choked. I wiped my tears as I stared down at her.

"I shouldn't have done this to you....I'm so sorry!" She begged, looking up at me and grabbing my arm. I pushed her away, suddenly feeling even more angry. What is she even talking about?

"What have you done?" I angrily whispered, holding back the tears that were about to break. She gulped before saying,

"It was a dare."

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