possibly coming out soon

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ik my parents won't understand me, but they're gonna be cool about it
what i wanna know is why im being such a pussy trying to tell them
i mean im ready like bring on the feels i'll survive a few tears caused by me thinking how embarrassing it is to cry
my mom already knows about my binders (which kinda freaks me out)
and my dad knows about at least one teacher calling me Lonnie (i stuttered so much while trying to explain to him)
im tired of being treated differently bc of my sex and who my family thinks i am
maybe its bc i'll get embarrassed
i was embarrassed when confronted about my binders and my name
these little things stop me from achieving my goals in life; to be 100% happy
i wish it was one giant reason that goes away with one hit (bad for me Shneldon 😉 (don't do drugs)) instead of small, but strong multiple ones that keep occurring
fuck life, i'll deal with it later
right now, life can fade away in thought...as i watch bo burnham deep throat a microphone on netflix

anticlimactic ending, ik
words words words get the best of me 😉
(for anyone who gets these little jokes, let alone reads this freaking chapter, i'll love you eternally)

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