Meet margot 👩🏼

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Hi, I'm Margot, I'm this average blonde-Aussie girl that you will meet someday. Do you know this band called 30 seconds to Mars? If you know them, we must be a family, I super duper love them. I went to one of their concerts, it was crowded but it was fun, I super duper love Jared Leto. The lead vocalist of the group, he's also a actor, if you say that he's 20 or 30, bitch please. He's 45 and he could be that handsome, I was super obsessed of the band, I hang up to my boyfriend just to get the tickets for their concert. Whenever I feel down, I just grab my phone and play some 30STM songs and scroll my pictures of Jared, it made me feel happy whenever I hear his angelic voice. The best thing that happened to me was when I move to America and I live the same state as him, maybe I could see him wandering in the streets or maybe I could just bump into him, guess we will never know. Well, let's stop with the band and let you know something a little about me.

I'm sexy (if you don't believe me, bitch you stupid)
I can act (just like Jared)
I'm pretty (yes, it's true)
I'm 26 (I know, I'm old but I'm still sexy though)
And I want to date Jared Leto but he never know that I existed, I'm just a fan girl or so I thought.

~there you guys go, My second book, yey! Let's celebrate🍾 I hope you love this book guys and keep continuing with my journey.

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