"The night that I won't forget"

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Being in this hill with Jared is the most best way to spend a beautiful night, "I've always love this place, this is the first time that I bought a girl here." He said looking in my eyes with those beautiful blue eyes "Really?" I asked "Yes, never thought it would be you." He smiled "Well, I guess it's worth it." I replied. Jared, me, and the stars is  the best combination. "We should keep going. Maybe the ice cream is melting" I said "okay, let's go." I replied, he drove down the hill, I love to see those beautiful lights with someone you love. Ring-ring, my phone goes, who could it be? When I looked at the ID number, it was just unknown . "Hello?" I greet "Margot, it's me, tom." When the name pop up, I could not help but be angry "what do you want?" I said angrily "I miss you, come back here." He whined "Shut the fuck up, I don't summon demons." I hanged up. "Who was that?" Jared asked "My ex" I replied "Geez, he can't still move on?" He chuckled "welp, what can I do but can be sexy" I joked "God, my princess is so funny." He pinched my cheeks. We arrived at my apartment, I want him to stay but I'm too shy. "Well, thank you for hanging out with me." I said "No probs, hot cheeks." He replied, "umm.. Jared?" Here comes the words "do you want to stay?" God Margot "Sure, anything for you" he winked. On the way to my room, I can't help but pinch myself, 'is this real? Having your celebrity crush as your friend?' I think to myself 'God, if this is a dream please don't wake me up.' I think to myself again. "Earth to Margot, wake up?" Jared waved his hands across my face "waddup?" I said "The key, where here." He pointed out the door "oh yeah, sorry." I grabbed my key and interlocked it to the door knob, and at last I'm going to sleep with my celebrity crush I mean not in a sexual way but he's going to sleep in my apartment. "You live here all alone?" He asked "Ummm, is it obvious?" I asked sarcastically "that's great, you can live with me for now." He sat down "Okay, wait what?" I blankly asked "Live with me." He stand up and got closer, I can't help but back up slowly. "Baby..." The way he called me makes me melt into a puddle, when I back up the wall hit my back. "Please..?" He breathily said "Anything for you, dreamboat." I giggled "I called you baby but all you replied was 'dreamboat'?" He chuckled "What? I was just trying to be funny!" I walked away "You know that you melt when I called you baby, but wait for the kiss. I'm pretty sure you'll be wet." He smirked. Those naughty jokes makes me want to kiss him, his lips are just kissable, everybody said that he's a great kisser. Really? Now I want to taste that thang! Okay, too much Margot, too much. "Are you sure that you want me to live with you?" I asked "Everything I say is true, just like I love you." He replied, I promise to god if this is a dream imma cry. I went to my room and slide down in my pjs, crawled into bed just like all other people do. Knock-knock-knock my door goes, "come in." I yelled "Yeah, so hey can I get some other stuff?" He asked "Get what you want to own." I said. Minutes afterwards I felt hands on my waist and I realized Jared Leto was carrying me bridal-style, "What are you doing?" I asked "I'm carrying what I want, and I want is you." He stared at me with those beautiful eyes. He put me down on the couch still looking into those beautiful eyes, "Sleep with me, please?" He gently said "Your wish is my command." I whispered into his ear "God, babe, when can I kiss you." He got closer "Not for long." I said. I walked away trying to tease him, "I'm serious about you Margot, and I hope you're serious about me too." He followed me "Jared, we just met we can't just have sex or kiss." I replied "But do you believe in love and first sight?" He asked getting closer to me "I don't know, but do you?" I asked doing the same thing as he did "not before, but now, yes." He cupped my cheek "Jared, let's go to sleep, alright?" I moved back "I love you with all my heart so I'm gonna do what you want me to do." He said while laying in the couch. I walked into my room, thinking what just happened 'Is Jared in love with me? It can't be?! The guy that I've always dreamed of is actually in love with me!' I think to myself, I kept smiling and smiling, I just can't think that He loves me.

~hiya👋 I kinda like this tho, but do you guys like it? Hope you guys love it and have fun reading the other chapters. Lots of love from Riva😘

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