
89 3 18

Request by: NyoFinland

Taurus: Sleepover at Scorpio's!!! *clap clap*

<poof they're in Scorpio's right now>

Scorpio: What the ever loving fuck?!

Capricorn: Ooooh sleeping bags!! Ooooh scary storiiesss!! Ooooh gaammmess!! Ooooh dreeaaaamms!! Ooooh-

Aquarius: Omg stfu

Capricorn: :(

Cancer: Well! Let's get ready, and go to bed. End of story!

The others: Games!

Cancer: Fuck you, I'm tired!

Libra: Let's play riddles!!

Pisces: Sure :)

Aries: I have one! Can I go?

Taurus: Sure. Go ahead.

Aries: okay *le walks out of room*

Everyone: .....

Gemini: Ooohhh burnnn XD

Taurus: Stop it 😒

Leo: Well, Pawrus! Do mew have any riddles?

Taurus: Weeeelll... Okay here goes

Everyone: *le listens intensely*

Taurus: okay you guys r creeping me the fuck out. Okay here goes.

Cancer was found dead in his room. The only clue in there was the message he received in his computer. It says,




Aries: The one who always gets bullied by the victim

Gemini: The victim's ex-boyfriend

Aquarius: The victim's rival at school studies

Capricorn: The victim's bestfriend

Who killed Cancer and why?
(Y'all can answer in the comments if you like ;) )

Gemini: Hell, no homo!

Capricorn: Eyy, he's my best friend! Why would I kill him? :(

Taurus: GUYSS!!! It's just a riddle! Now solve if you can!

Libra: That message gave me the chills. I mean, what the fuck is that language?

Aries: I'm back! With drinks for everyone!

Virgo: Thank you! Where have you been, Aries?

Aries: Umm.. The kitchen?

Scorpio: wtf

Virgo: Hush, Scorpio! No swearing in front of my innocent children!

Scorpio: Pfft, innocent?

Virgo: Well, some of them still are!

Aries: So, what did I miss?

Sagi: The riddle

Aries: What?

Sagi: Taurus gave us a riddle

Aqua: Here, let me tell you *puts hand on her shoulder* le Riddle

Aries: How come I am the only female suspect?

Taurus: omg u guys just answer!

Everyone: No idea

Taurus: I guess I made this too hard, didn't I?

Zodiac Mini StoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora