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Libra: Guys!! Let's rough house!!! *jumps from bookshelf to the couch*

Capri, Leo, Scorpio, Aqua: *joins in*

Sagi: Leo I order you to stop this at once! This kind of behavior is extremely rude.

Leo: Nu *rolls all over the floor*

Virgo: *walks downstairs to where the other signs are* Ssh, quiet down a little! You know this is Gemini's house.

Aries: Wait why were we here in the first place

Leo: Dunno

Aqua: Die, bitch!

Gemini: *yells from bedroom with a scratchy voice* Shut up, bitch!

Pisces: Aqua! That's not nice to say!

Cancer: Same goes for you, Gemifuck!

Gemini: Fuck off, crab! *coughs*

Capri: *examines jar of bees on a random shelf* *accidentally drops the jar open* AGH BEES! *runs away*

Taurus: W- WTF CAPRICORN!? *runs away*

Leo, Libra, Pisces: *runs the fuck away*

Scorpio: *jumps out of the house by the upstair's window*

Sagi and Aries: *walks out of the house like a calm fuck*

Aqua: *shrugs* *walks out of the door*

Virgo: *taps on Aquarius's shoulder before he's gonna leave* Um, Aquarius, dear. Do you mind taking care of Gemini while I'm gone? I have important stuff to do and I'm currently almost late! *panics*

Aquarius: *shocked* But-

Virgo: Great! Cancer, let's go! *motions Cancer to come with her*

Cancer: *groans but follows* *ignores the bees*

Virgo: And No killing each other, please! *shuts the door*

Aqua: *drops kitchen knife* Oh Fine! *groans and stomps his way upstairs*

--One and a half hour l8r--

Cancer: *walks upstairs with Virgo* Gem's probably dead by now.

Virgo: I don't see anyone else available to help. They ran away by bees.

Cancer: Why the fuck would someone put bees in their house?!

Virgo: *shrugs* *opens door*

Gemini: *on his husktop*

Aqua: *sitting on the windowsill reading a book*

Cancer: *mind blown*

Virgo: I told you they will not kill each other. *smirks*

Cancer: What happened here?!

Gemini: What's wrong?

Aqua: There's nothing wrong here.

Cancer: Shouldn't you be killing each other?!

Virgo: Cancer! That is not necessary!

Aqua: We decided to not kill each other right now.

Gemini: In fact, I'm feeling better.

Cancer: *whacks the both of them with a frying pan*

Virgo: *kicks Cancer out to Mars*

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