The Stolen Child Part 1

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This is the story of the search for the stolen child.

To understand why it is necessary to search for the stolen child, one must first understand the reason as to why the child was lost in the first place.....and why it is important, of grave importance to search and find the stolen child. Because we have all been children, either in this reality or another, we should be able to empathize with this child's story and the vestige of her quest. Recognize bits and pieces of our own story and quest.. Every child is born with a quest, A purpose! This quest, this purpose links and binds us to one another. It is our reason for living and that of the planet we inhabit. However a dark and dangerous willfulness is destroying this existence, yours and mine......we need to search for the stolen child.

To begin at the beginning of the story, this child was denied the right to be, to exist. From the moment of her conception, the awakening of life, her mother cursed her existence. For the duration of the pregnancy, the mother would rant on a daily basis on how difficult her life was. The mother's mind was a weak and shallow instrument of thinking that was fueled by her jealousy and petty envies of her fellow man. She cursed the unborn being for her presence within her needy body. The mother refused to properly provide nutrition to the growing fetus, refused to nurture any kind of bond between mother and child, so when the birth arrived, the mother abandoned her child , the father literally threw the infant to the ground, cracking the bled. They threw 'it' away as though it was possible to vaporize the existence of a pregnancy and birth and therewith, the memory of the said child.

This was a betrayal against the very foundation of life, the bond between a mother, a father and a child. It found it's roots, in the mistrust and misguided understanding of the identity of men and women / the identity of what a relationship was between the man and woman and the generations that went before this specific man and woman. In particular, the relationship or lack of relationship, between the woman, mother of the child and the child's father.......his lack of manhood. This lack of conviction and trust forged by the choices that this man and woman made, would be this child's burden to bare throughout a lifetime, an invisible chain within an invisible jail cell. After the child's abandonment, the state and other lowly creatures arranged that the child was placed into a home. The home of cruel wards that had the support of the state and the church to implement crimes against children and humanity. Family and friends that witnessed these dirty secret crimes, chose to turn a blind eye and even support the implementation of abuse towards the child and her live in sibling. They became known as the unwanted, the lesser ones.

One should ask themselves how it was possible to allow this child, and children in general to suffer such behaviour from those that are considered to be older and wiser?

In this reality the state and the church were/are the controlling power within this society and they make the rules. They usually deem themselves as the wisest, most knowledgeable and righteous of mankind. Both of these institutions are motivated by a need for power, for control. They relish in their power by using (cruel) manipulations to maintain a general sense of order...of law.. This corrupt lust for power is an addiction, and for some, it is best described as a form of savage pornography, obtained by any means to achieve control over the rightful ones and the lesser ones.........anything and everything is done to maintain this control.

There are three types of classes in this society;


The Righteous Ones

The lesser ones

The Absolute Ones have since the dawn of the times, busied themselves with acquiring power. They started this search for power since the birth of consciousness. The conscious choice to choose created in them, the need to survive by any means possible, to set themselves apart and above every form of consciousness. They first began to kill, man and beast alike. When the status qua for being the strongest had been established they went on to obtain as much wealth as was and is possible to obtain. They bought and stole lands and properties, businesses and housing, jewels and precious stones, minerals and oil rights, food and factories, cloth and clothes, animals and wildlife, but above all, they bought, controlled and sold people.

These are the ABSOLUTE POSSESSORS, THE ABSOLUTE ONES.. They have spent life time upon lifetime, weeding and gardening the structure of their.... the world, to ensure that it moves and grows according to their divine plan. They are human beings, made of flesh, blood and bones just as every other on the earth, however they are self created monsters that have been bred with great care and determination from generation to generation, father to son, mother to daughter by inbreeding which has secured the growth and maintenance of their lies and crimes against life itself. They believe with complete conviction that they are better, more and in the right. The most effective element to ensure their control was to create a belief, an idea , a truth that some people are more righteous than others are. That human beings are predestined to be ordained as good or lesser than good, even bad. They learned that the most effect way to maintain their control, to feed their addictive lusts, was to steal the capacity to be ¨child like¨ away from children. This is the number one function of the the ABSOLUTE ONES and the followers of the ABSOLUTE ONES, the egotistical Righteous Ones.....the ass lickers. Many ABSOLUTE ONES and Righteous Ones move and live within the church, within the state, schools and steal the purpose of life away. The purpose of life is to begin with the knowledge of ' to be', to understand what it is to be a evolve.....Take this away.............?'s the beginning of a has to start somewhere...............

The Stolen Child I started to get, but my mother I haven dealt with yetWhere stories live. Discover now