Chapter 9: The Bath

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As agreed the four of them hooked up at the restaurant down the road from Tony's B&B. They began their evening in the restaurant by playing out 'the roles of people who could meet by coincidence, who happen to be staying at the same B&B and why not join each other for diner!?' Once seated Jamie took a special interest in Sam and explained in a tone just loud enough for other guests to hear that she was a special needs worker. So it did not appear out of place when she took Sam out of his seat, held him and later during their meal sat beside him.

While the foursome first continued to engage in polite conversation, exchanging lies about who they were and where they came from, as the evening progressed they took advantage of the late hour and the departure of the other guests. The restaurant had now become near to empty, which gave Jamie the advantage she had hoped for, a place to quietly explain the course of events that had transpired over the past few days of hers and their lives. As they ordered another beer and wines, Jamie began to tell Emma and Jerry her story. She started by explaining the dream she had had two nights prior, the sequel of events and the woman who had run off with her child. She described the woman and the dozy looking man who seemed to play a protective role in this dream. Her shock when seeing the unknown woman on the television the next morning. How the news broadcaster had stated that they were looking for anyone with information regarding this particular woman and her unnerving surprise when Emma had told her that her photo had been broadcasted on the national news. Emma of course knew the next part of the story, the part about the police coming to their home and taking Jamie to the hospital to talk with this woman....but Jamie had to fill in the rest of the details. She told them about the conversation she had had with the unknown woman, then about the man who had dragged Jamie from the woman's bedside into a separate room, where he had threatened and hit her. She concluded by telling Emma and Jerry the details of the death of the young police woman and the conversation that had followed with Chief Detective Burrows.

The conversation fell still after that. Emma picked up her glass of wine and before she took a sip of wine from it she said, ' there's more, isn't there James?' Jamie looked up, rattled somewhat by her friends detailed knowledge of her character. Jamie took a deep breath and said; 'yes.' But before she went on, she turned to look at her son Sam, who was now visibly showing signs of fatigue. She stood up and took Sam out of the high chair and handed him over to Jerry. Jerry took Sam obligingly and cradled him in his arms so that Sam could find the sleep he now was in need of. Jamie re-seated herself and looked at both of her friends before replying. ' What I am about to say is ......well, probably,...... in all likely hood....well,... you'll think I'm daft!' Emma and Jerry frowned both at the same time and then Emma said.' try us.' 'Right,' said Jamie, 'Well you know the bit I told you about the woman and man in my dream, the ones dressed in burlap?' Emma and Jerry nodded in unison. 'Well, I saw them last night,.... more like, early in the wee hours. They were standing outside of my window, underneath my be specific, in the bus shelter across from the boarding house I was staying in.' She stopped and looked closely at her friends to see what their reaction would be. At first both Emma and Jerry stared at Jamie for a bit, then they looked away and appeared to be staring at something behind Jamie. They continued to stare ahead at something for at least a minute and then Jerry threw his sister a sideway glance and instinctively she answered him by giving him a sideway glance. 'O....kay,' said Jerry. 'There's a logical explanation to this....these persons.....of non none origin,' his voice drifted off with 'un-none origin. 'Right,' said Emma curtly, 'Well it's pretty obvious to me.' Jamie raised her eyebrows and said, 'REALLY?' 'Yep,' said Emma. 'You've met them before or have seen them before but you've forgotten where...or maybe even why....along time ago. And now they've come back and need to see, to speak to you.....maybe some info regarding your birth parents!' As Emma finished this statement her face held a triumphant expression on it, she was clearly pleased with her powers of deduction regarding the appearance of the woman and dozy man in burlap. Jerry looked somewhat puzzled and added the question that actually was more like a statement, ' and the burlap clothes..the helmet and the spear. How do you explain those away?' This comment left both Jerry and Jamie staring at Emma with enquiring expressions on their faces. ' 'I don't know,' said Emma. 'Maybe they're from a religious order or a theatrical group....forgot to change their gear....or something,' She ended with shrugging her shoulders. Jerry added,' alright, Emma's explanation is not completely bonkers, so let's just leave it at that. Either way they don't seem to want to hurt you James, I think they want to help you.' Jamie and Emma nodded in agreement with Jerry's assessment of the two characters in burlap. He continued,' Look, whatever is going on, it is reasonable to assume that we need to act with caution. I do believe that , that there is reason for concern...obviously. Just consider what happened in the hospital.' He went on to say, ' I think our real worry is that someone...some people are ....after you James, perhaps want something of you, from you.' Jamie started up and looked directly at Jerry and said,' How do you mean...after me?' Ja, added Emma, 'ja, what do you mean?' Emma looked at her brother and cast him a suspicious frown. Jerry swiftly looked from Jamie to Emma who in turn looked back at him with worried and frowning facial expressions. He licked his lips before he answered their question, ' well, before we left the house in London, I walked over to the front door and looked out the window. I saw a car parked across the street with two silhouettes inside.' That would be right,' said Jamie, ' that would have been the police car that inspector Burrows told me about.' Jerry nodded and then continue,' there was also a man....I clearly saw the silhouette of a man sitting on a wall three doors down from that car. He was watching the car and our house. He had something in his hand. He was watching the police....and the police were not aware of him. He was not part of the police. The object in his hand,I couldn't make out what it was, I did however note that the object was shinny.' He finished his statement and then looked back at both woman. Jamie took a deep breath and Emma just stared at Sam. Each and everyone felt a pang of fear run through their bodies and a sense of panic swooped across their hearts.' Right, Emma went on to say, it appears that we are in more than just a pickle.' 'You mean I am,' said Jamie. NO,' said Emma, we are!' She said it with such conviction that Jerry simply nodded in agreement and Jamie knew from that moment on never ever again to doubt the love and loyalty that they shared for one another. She felt her face turn red and said,' I'm sorry, I never should have said that.' ' Bloody well right, Emma retorted back at her, but you're forgiven, considering the circumstances....just this once.' She looked at Jamie and winked. Jamie smiled a weak smile and continued on to say, ' I 'm afraid for you both, this is a mess and well, you could get hurt...or worse....,' her voice drifted off. It was Jerry who replied by first grabbing Jamie's hand and holding it firmly. ' Let's go to the B&, together Jamie.' He saw that she was about to protest being seen together at the B&B, but Jerry was adamant. 'Not tonight James, you're not walking alone in the dark along a watery shoreline.' Emma conceded with Jerry. He went on to say,' when we get back to the B&B, Sam, you and Emma will take the front room, I'll take the back room. That way Jamie can sleep with Sam in one bed and he can find comfort in what little there is to find in this situation. Tomorrow we'll go down to breakfast, as a group, no protest James. And then we'll decide what our next move is.' That was that, it was decided and they all did what Jerry had said they would do until the breakfast next morning.

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