Chapter 5: Reality kicked in...

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The police detective had made his way over to Jamie while she sat sat shaking on the ground. He knelt down before her, then tried to make eye contact with Jamie. Although she felt the man's presence she could not come from the place where she momentarily was, hiding deep within herself. Her exterior body was trembling with uncontrollable jerks and she felt her limbs becoming increasingly colder. The cold was creeping like freezing river water that was moving through her veins and heading directly towards her heart. She felt like she would stop being able to breath in a matter of moments, Jamie willed her mind to focus. She let her eyes roam the room full of police and nurses....everyone in the room, the inspector included, who was kneeling down in front of her... shouting inaudible words at her were all moving in slow motion. She kept turning her head to one corner of the room to the other, from left to right. To turn her head was a laborious task and whatever she tried to focus her gaze on, was blurry, fogging human entities. Then suddenly she saw a recognizable figure standing in the corner of the room. It's contours suggested that it was man. So she proceeded to focus on the figure, she concentrated harder and harder so that finally the figure transformed into that of an Indian. Looking at her intently. Seeing him effected the flow of icy water in her immediately and made her remember...something. She looked directly at the Indian and the Indian looked directly back at her. At first Jamie thought he had come in with all the other policemen, but he wasn't dressed the same as they were. He was bare chested. His skin was tanned, weathered by the elements.. He wore animal skins that hung around his lower body parts and were tied with other leather straps, also around his legs. His hair was jet black and braided. He had sharp facial features, wrinkles that cut through his face as though a knife had been used to sculpture these in as a design, a mask. His eyes were dark, a deep dark mixed with empathy and a cruelty at the same time. He continued to stare directly into Jamie's eyes...he did not flinch. It felt as though he expected more strength from her, clarity of mind. He kept staring and then spoke to her, 'Take your energy back from the Mother of our Earth...demand your energy back and guide it's flow through you to chase the freezing death away from your heart, your source of survival. You let fear, your emotions rob you of your energy. Cloud your wit. Witless fear is an idea that is empty, it holds no truth....where did you bury your knowledge? There is no death, you always come back to where it is you need to be. Find your source, search,' he voice was now loud and commanding. 'In what place did you bury it...go and unbury it.' Jamie understood what he wanted from her. In that same moment she was aware of the fact that only she could hear this man. No one else in the room seemed to be able to see or hear him. Despite her confusion regarding his presence, she took his words and embraced the idea of energy, that it was flowing all around her and in particular from the very core of the earth. The idea of this energy presented itself with as much logic as oxygen did. She closed her eyes and imagined she had a connection to the core of the earth through the soles of her feet. That the core of the earth was a steaming hot lava river from which she could tap into with a single thread. In her mind's eye she instructed her fantasy to pull up the hot lava that was fueled energy through a thread and work its way up from the core of the earth, through the soles of her feet into her icy veins until she began to feel it melt the icy frozen death away.

After a time she opened her eyes and searched for the Indian, he was not in the room.

'Miss Warner, Jamie ....can you hear me, it's me, Chief Detective Burrows,' he paused to check if Jamie had acknowledged his presence. Jamie lifted her eyes up to meet his gaze. At this reaction he visibly demonstrated a sigh of relief. A nurse that had entered the room and was navigating towards the detective inspector and Jamie. She was holding a bowl like container, within it, what looked like a siring. As she moved towards both of them, the inspector detective held his hand up to the nurse and motioned for her to leave the room. It was in that minute that Jamie became more aware of where she was sitting. A sudden surge of memories, of the events that had just transpired in this very room came flooding back to her. She let out a loud gasp that was followed by great heaving sobs. These made her body jerk. She made an helpless impression.

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