Chapter 2: Everything was White

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She saw herself from a distance. She was laying on a bed. Her legs were pulled up, bent at the knees and open wide. She was wearing a white hospital gown and she was giving birth. On a simple wooden box shaped bed with a mattress that was covered with white sheets and scattered cushions. She could remember giving birth to the child, a girl. There was no pain, no mess and no blood. Someone had been there and assisted the birth, taking the baby away from her after it had been born. Jamie remembered thinking, ' I have to let them take the baby, I'm not allowed to keep it, keep her.' It was an absolute impossibility, she wouldn't even consider the possibility of keeping the child...that option had never existed. As if this was the way that things had been done for centuries. She had no say in the matter, whatever she felt or thought, was of no consequence. She was nothing, she did not matter, she did not fit into this part of the equation. But it felt nagged at her, 'why not, she's my child.....?'

She walked around the room. Couldn't remember standing up, just gave birth and was now standing in a room, observing and taking in what she was looking at. Okay, she thought,' this is a square building, one room building.' It was a wooden structure built from cedar wood and the walls on the inside were covered with drywall sheets and painted white. Everything was white. The bed stood in the back of the building in the left hand corner of the square habitat....wooden low box shaped bed with a mattress, white sheets and white cushions. The kitchen unit was across from the bed in the right hand corner. A very basic kitchen. A block of two maybe three cupboard doors with a stainless steel counter top. A double door cupboard unit hung above the counter. There was a sink and a small refrigerator at the end of the counter unit with a cooking element on top of it. A white couch was standing a few yards away from the bed with the back of the couch facing the bed. The couch faced the rest of the room which appeared to be empty. The front of the building was glass, a long glass windowed wall. There was a bathroom behind the bed, she knew that somehow. The floor was cold, she became aware of the fact the the floor was making her feel chilly. It was a tiled floor, ceramic tiled floor and it was white.

Suddenly there were two women and a man in the room with her, talking mostly to each other. They clearly acknowledged her presence in the room, it felt to Jamie as if they were guarding her. Observing and guarding her. She didn't appear to have an emotional connection with them ......just yet.

Suddenly and unexpectedly one of the women bolted out of the building, and she was carrying her baby....the infant. The other women who was older and chubbier chased after her in an attempt to stop her from running away with the baby. The man followed in pursuit while Jamie instinctively followed all of them to the outer exterior of the building. She stopped abruptly just a yard or two outside of the door opening. As she stood outdoors she realized that she was standing in a courtyard that had been dug deep into a number of sand dunes. The building was situated on a beach and had a garden courtyard that was squared off by three sand dunes. Two of the dunes ran along the outer sides of the house and approximately 10 to 15 yards away at the end of the sandy courtyard was the last dune. The house and the dunes formed a complete square in which she was now standing in and looking up at the woman who was opposite her on top of the dune across from the wooden house. She saw the woman holding her baby who was wrapped in a cadmium yellow blanket and sleeping. The woman held the baby close to her body while she cradled the fragile new born gently close to her breasts. She was of medium height, short dark brown hair, a plain yet friendly face with a muscular build. She was dressed in a pair of brown jeans, a dark beige sweater and brown cotton shoes. Despite her friendly demeanor, her facial features slowly began to betray her thoughts and state of mind. She was calculating from where to go from this point and how to do it. The older woman who was standing in the court yard was moving towards the wooden steps that would lead to the top side of the dune. She was far more noticeable to Jamie because she was dressed as though she was from a different century, a woman from the middle ages dressed in burlap of brown and gray shades. Even her shoes were fashioned in a way Jamie had never before seen in her life. The guard, a man, was also dressed in a burlap tenue that resembled the same type of clothing that the elderly woman wore, something from the middle ages. He wore a helmet from a type of metal, a mail korf and held a spear made of wood and metal. Jamie began to approach him and said,' that's my baby, that's my daughter...she's mine, she's my baby....' As Jamie spoke these words, a warmth, a sense of recognition came alive in her....this was her child, they had to realize she was the baby's mother and she had rights. In her head she knew she had to give up the child but it was still her baby. The guard smiled slightly back to her as if he acknowledged her and, as if to say that he knew the baby was hers, yet he thrust the spear towards her to warn her not to come any closer. The older woman glanced back quickly at Jamie, as if she was both concerned for her welfare as well as making sure that she could not come in reach of the infant. The elderly woman had brown hair, dark brown eyes with rather masculine facial features for a woman, her expression conveyed a deep sense or warmth and caring to all that were involved. She turned away from Jamie and called to the woman on the dune. She reasoned with her that it would be senseless to run with the child and that she should think of the baby. Jamie suddenly felt a sense of panic. If the woman would run away with the baby, she would never see her child again. A deep gutted fear began to grip at her throat. The woman on the dune replied back to the elderly woman and agreed that fleeing with the infant would be hopeless. That an attempt by foot would be stupid and she realized that she would need a mode of transportation to achieve running away successfully with the infant. While she appeared to ease her apprehensive posture to indicate resignation, she suddenly bolted, she ran with the baby out of Jamie's sight ......

The Stolen Child I started to get, but my mother I haven dealt with yetWhere stories live. Discover now