chapter 12

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three days later...

reader pov

will this turn out to be a smart idea? probably not. i is against the rules after all. not to mention the fact that zoro will be PISSED if he ever found out. i just....i don't know. maybe im not really thinking right now. all i knew is that....well zoro wasn't in the mood to fool around for a bit. i cant say i was super horny. i was more like....touchy feely right now. or it more like i told zoro i couldn't have sex with him and he was like 'well then why would i want you to get me in the mood?' or something like that. i don't know. it was something along those lines.

anyway....i sorta went with my backup plan. a particular white haired buff guy who i just found out loves to have his ass rubbed. nothing frisky. just rubbed. i had got in his bed and he got on top of me. some lusty kissing. i had unzipped his jumpsuit and reached inside, getting a firm grip on his plump ass. it felt good, as expected. he kept trying to take my jacket off but again, i had to remind him that it was designed to survive a struggle with an inmate and not give them an edge by giving them places where they could grab me from. the suit wasn't tight, it just conformed to fit me really well.

i took one of his round cheeks in my hand, squeezing and massaging it sensually. he was throbbing but he knew what this was. i told him the same thing i told zoro. he settled for it since this was 'the only action ive gotten since ive met you' he had said. i slipped a hand inside his undies, feeling on his skin. he growled into my neck, nipping and biting on me. his grip on my  jacket grew tighter. his pull on me grew more firm. i really should stop teasing him like this. one day he is gonna----

"CHEIF!!!" both of us looked up at the cell door, standing open. in it was one of my other guards. one who i had assigned to watch block C while i was 'on break'. "what?" i asked, sitting up. smoker grunted angrily when he was pushed up off me. "come quick! there is some kinda brawl in the common area of block C!"

he had hardly gotten the sentence out before i was already pass him, running down the stairs. ill admit i was excited. its been about a year since ive dealt with a full scale brawl. i rounded corners and scaled steps at an inhuman pace. sure there is a gym here for the guards but nothing really makes me sweat like sprinting seven flights of stairs and about 300 meters through doors and long ass hallways. it took mere minutes for me to get to the common area of block C and oh boy. the guard wasn't lying when he said there was some kinda brawl. tables had been flipped and several groups of guys were all about, jumping individuals. i didn't hesitate at all. guards were scattered everywhere trying to stop this but they couldn't really get close, fearing that they would also get jumped. i dove head first.

i ran up to the first group, finding some guys jumping a single guy. some lefts followed by a heavy right and the biggest of that group fell to the ground. couple of lefts dropped the last few and the guy getting jumped was freed. "GET TO YOUR CELL!!" i yelled loud enough to be heard over the screaming. the little guy sprinted up the stairs. at the yell, all the other groups noticed i had made it here. they all stopped jumping, turning their full attention to me. i took up a fighting stance, bouncing on my toes. "bring it on..." i growled.

{time skip}

a heavy right in the jaw and the last one went down. i shook out my hands, shaking away the numbness ive been feeling for a while now. cant say i get into fights everyday in this prison. most people know how things work by now. i sighed. i looked around. i ended up knocking quite a few of them out. a scramble of other guards showed up to carry those they could back to their individual cells. those few hard headed ones that woke up early gave up on trying to attack again when they saw the spread around them. all of them were handcuffed and escorted to their cells.

I Did It to Survive  (Seme Male Reader x One Piece, Bleach, and Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now