Somewhere, Out There

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Another week passed. He made sure that Harry didn't see him; not even his shadow by resigning and left the school.

On the other hand, his mother was indeed angry, August told her about his conversation with Rachel and she didn't want him entertaining her anymore, especially not going back to her.

"I'll tear you apart too if you'll come back to her!" his mother warned and August laughed at her reaction.


"Are you sure you'll be fine with your cousin there? It's a county August." his mother said, she hands him his bag pack and August took it and smiled at his mother.

"Yes Mom. I'll be fine. I have to go now, my bus will be at the terminal by now." he kissed his mother on her forehead and said his final goodbye.

He do feel sad leaving his mother, but somehow, he knew he wanted to try to live on his own, away from people he don't know. It was a childhood dream for him, to live in a place where he don't know any souls; a new surrounding and a strange atmospheres. Except that is, I'm with my cousin. he thought.

Although it took hours for the bus to reach the county, his legs were cramping when he went out and he saw his cousin William in his usual sleeveless white shirt and a black shorts in brown slippers. He's leaning on his 1965 Chrysler 300, it's faded sky blue color almost matches the sky in the background.

"William!" August greeted him with a manly hug. William hugs him back and tapped his back.

"Aww yeah! My old cousin is back!" they let go of each other and William gave him a smirk. His sexy small beard on his chin makes him cute.

"Heard you can't take too much women at a time eh?!" his cousin laughs, his deep voice filling his eardrums. August pouted at him and scowled.

"Pft. Simple things!" he said, he took his things to the back of the car and scanned the place. Yep, not a familiar face in sight. he smiled at the thought and he was feeling much better than usual, he was excited.

William occupied the driver seat and August at the passenger seat. His cousin opened the radio, it played a rock music and he waves his head to the beat.

"What do you say we go rock some horses Gusty? I miss the old days! I mean, when was the last time you were here?! I can't even remember!" they laughed.

"Trust me, I can't remember either!" he answered, they laughed at their own joke and enjoyed the rest of the ride, talking about their old, happy and awesome memories.


Williams lived in a simple wooden house. A small brown veranda with a round coffee table along with their brown seats. After the main door is the small living room in the right. A round red carpet in the middle, one long brown couch facing a television hung on a wall and another small coffee table in front of the couch. Two one seated couch was at it's both sides, matching the color of the carpet. Through the narrow hallway in the left, was the kitchen, it's wooden dining table is meant for four people only and the rest is for the counters and refrigerator and all necessary things in the kitchen.

William tour him around the house  their bedrooms are on the second floor. The bathroom though, is at the backyard, it is small, there is no shower just a faucet and a bucket and the dipper. It maybe small, but it's complete.

After the small tour, William told August that he has to see a friend. August nodded at him and he went to his new bedroom. He laid on the single bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Finally. A breathe of fresh air." he whispered.

"A new life. New people." he laid sideways and looked at the window.

"But you'll be in my mind Vanessa." he added. "Until I find someone new again." he murmured.

He took his phone out and made his mind work.

To: Meacah
-Remember Meacah, if you have any problem, I'll be there for you; I maybe far away, but you still have a best friend to rely on.😉 (sun 04:06 pm)

To: Chunky Vanessa😂
-Seriously not replying huh? Come on Chunky, you can do better than that. (sun 04:07 pm)

He stared at his sent message and pondered. Dammit. Why am I still texting her? It's useless. he sighed. Then he looked at his phone again and Fine, no replying then. At least let this be my last text.

To: Chunky Vanessa😂
-Okay fine. I know I looked like a broken AI sending you messages, but look, Vanessa, I'm sorry for whatever reason you have to not reply my messages, and whatever they are, I hope you can forgive me.

I know you won't reply, so, perhaps I'll let you know that I am grateful to have met you and be part of my damned life. I want to thank you for everything, and I really hope we could, somehow have a proper goodbye.

That's all. I guess.

And in case you have deleted my number, it's me, Lovelornie August. (sun 04:14 pm)

He let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't aware he was holding back his breathe and stared at ths ceiling. Damn it. he cursed for no reason. He suddenly felt all the stressed in his travels and savored the softness of the bed. He remembered how sleep can be so enjoying and he loved it.

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