Without a Man

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Okay... SO. This... I wrote in the point of viewo of someone I can't mention... after all... the themes I write about are 'delicate' so I am always reluctant to relase names or the real meanings behing my words. Here it goes, the second poem!


Without a Man--

Blame the ones that came before-

The liars, the cheats, and mostly man whores.

I like you a lot and hold you near

but it still hurts my heart to call you dear.

First time I gave my heart away it was returned broken

by someone who promised I’d be his token

I believed him and loved him from the very start

our relationship was growing not knowing what he did in the dark.

I wasn’t even his main chick!

Seemed like every girl around was accustomed to his --

Yet I didn’t find out that it was a dirty trick.

Blame the one who came after him with the spikey black hair.

The one who told me we could be Sunny and Cher.

Because of the first I approached him with caution.

He pulled me around like I was on auction.

Telling his friends all the freaky stuff we do

when really we did nothing so if not me, then who?

I approached him and asked him about his lies

and he revealed our love was for his friends’ eyes.

Though there’s only two who came before you,

intuition tells me I don’t need someone new.

Broken hearts should stay single so there are only them to blame

for bringing the pain that turns you insane.

I’m single not lonely because my world’s filled with friends

who are better than one companion, especially the companion of a man.

I don’t need some guy to call me beautiful because I believe I am.

Not on the outside because externally, I don’t give a damn.

But on the inside, I’m phenomenal.

And yes.

Without a man.

Delicate - 20 PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now