Born and Raised in the Projects (Spoken Word Poem)

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Don't assume if you don't know me.

I have nothing to prove-- NO, how about YOU show ME.

Thinking I'm a certain way is no way to be

Cause when you assume, you make and ass out of u and me.

I've got 99 problems and yeah, you are one

Trust me, I've heard all the stereotypes but I'll never be one.

Yeah, I like fried chicken

But unfortunately, I'm still young with no children

I'm not the principle's honor student

But I'm sure as hell ain't stupid.

I may be black and live in the 'hood'

Though I hate lil' wayne and don't smoke weed but apparently, I should.

Really, I know, that's all you expect

From some teenage girl born and raised in the projects.

Writing out rhymes and hoping to earn respect

From some idiotic stereotype that I'm trying so hard to correct

Nominated for Excellence from disappointment

I'll sure as hell rise to the top

Though I hear it-- "You ain't nothing, never was nothing, never will be nothing."

I rise to the top.

Cause I'm smart enough to know it's a double negative,

That derogatory statement...

I can use it to fuel my best. I'll never be nothing. Cause I can be everything.

Sometimes they hit where it hurts

The voice of the curse

Born from a family of teenage mothers

They always assume me to be another

Stop it! Stop it!

My screams as always only heard and answered with silence

Stereotypes do hurt, but I can always suppress them.

I can keep saying but never really would I be heard

Speaking the truth as I always do, word.

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