Sticks and Stones (Spoken Word Poem)

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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words will never hurt me.

Spit and cuss I’ll make no fuss

Cause words, they’ll  never hurt me.


I try to convince myself to this defense to my soul, heart AND myself…

Yet I can’t help but feel like I’m lying, slowly dying-

No point in TRYING.

And you know what? They don’t have to say it, because I hear it.

My brain speaks for all of you

I know what you’re thinkin by the way you react to the essence of my presence

Man, before you start your sentence, I can tell it’s a depressant.

But that’s fine.

I’ve spent years of hearing it so nothing can HURT me or be DEPRESSING once you’ve SADLY heard it all.


Yet you believe me and shut up and quietly ignore me and… That’s enough for me, I don’t need to be seen.

And I guess I’m a good liar.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words make holes in my soul

Making me un-whole

Like I’m filthy for just being me or…


Like maybe it’s all me!

Unfit for society

I’m not trying to take pity or make me “situation” worthy of a therapy session because we’ve all been here, I know!

Even my bully get’s pick on for stupidity when really it’s ADD but no one sees nothing but F’s and D’s


I don’t want your pity-

Cause we’ve all said something MEAN pretending not the MEAN it once the tear falls you BELIEVE IT. You’ve damaged someone.

You’ve crinkled a paper with their name on it.

You can’t straighten it out.

Even I have taken hits on the insecurities of others to make myself feel better.


I’m guilty.

Sue me



 Sticks and stoned make break my bones but words make holes in my soul.

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