If I Died

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If I died would you remember my name

Or would I just be that one girl who you’d never see again

Will it be sad or a ‘oh no, that’s too bad’

If I died would you remember my name

If I cried would you ask what’s wrong

Or would you let me sob and sing my own sad song

Would you let me drown in my tears full of fear

If I cried would you ask me what wrong

If I gave up on the world would you pay me attention

Or ignore me feeling like I’m making my own teen fiction

Well F--- it all and all to hell

Would you help me off the ground if to it I fell

Would you pick up the pencil I dropped on purpose

Somehow hoping that you’d take notice

Would you do so kindly without asking my motives

Sadly I think not since my pencil’s not picked up…

Neither is my teen fiction written nor my silent tears questioned

And after, to myself, I had all the fussin’

O as I lay in the casket, all groomed and tamed

I still want to say, I’m dead, do you remember my name?

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