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Ok guys, last chapter was super short and I feel like i'm running out of ideas LOL

If you mind, a vote would be great! I am trying to get my whole book to 1000 reads!

This chapter is edited by: @jcertaehyung 

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Jinyoung's POV

The new girl was cute. The way she looked at you with those frightened eyes.

Why did Lisa tell is everything about me? Does she know I'm the school heartbreaker.

You sighed as you sat in your art seat.

"Ok GUYS!!! We have a new student!" Mrs.  said

I watched as ____ walked to a seat next to JooHyuk and Sung Kyung

"Today, we will be drawing portraits! Hand in what you have at the end of class. You may draw whoever you want."

Baekhyung raised his hand. 

"Yes Beakhyun?"

"May we draw celebrities?"


I raised my hand.


"May we keep our pictures secret?"

"Yes, I will only put them up with your permission. Anyways, you're sitting in the back and you are my best student so I don't see why not."

As we got to work, I decided that I was going to draw the new girl. She was a pretty good model, with her sharp figures but yet cute face, she would be a perfect portrait. I got to work as Ms. Walked over to me.

"Who're you drawing?"

"Oh. I'm drawing the new girl."

"Oh wow, you have a nice bases. Are you using cnvas and oil paint for this?"

I noded.

"Nice! It looked great." she said as she walked away.

I smiled as I continued to draw the portrait.

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