Go out with a smile

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Igor groaned as he was awoken by a head splitting headache,along with a sour stomach."Aww piss....I'm never drinking again.," he moaned.Igor slowly opened his eyes,and was immediately assaulted by bright lights that made him squint and a burning chemical stink that made his stomach turn."Ugh keeps gettin better and better."As igor got up he realized he couldn't move.

"What the hell is this?".

Igor's vision and mind began to clear as the adrenaline in his veins sobered him.Igor saw he was in the prepping room of the mortuary,strapped down to a gurney ,with the observation light shining down on him.To his left he saw the found suspect of the stench:A tall jar of formaldehyde,which connected to a long tube.His eyes followed the tube to his neck.With a gasp,igor tried to get away,but the straps of the table held him down tight

A laugh in the corner made him yelp.

"Sorry about that igor but as punishment for sleeping so soundly I had to "arrest you." said jeffery with a mirthful smirk.Igor looked at his partner and anger took away his fear."Jeff if you think that this was ever a good joke than you have a pretty sick sense of humour."said Igor through his teeth."Oh,but I think that this is an excellent joke,you see I only want to send you to a place where people can enjoy your pesky jokes and childish pranks."said jeffrey,gliding his way to the body table.Now that jeff saw his confident and cocky co worker lying on the table completely helpless,he could not stop the intense joy and triumph from showing on his face. Jeffrey leered down so close to igor's face that igor could smell the spearmint gum on his breath."And w-where would that b-be".Igor stuttered,the fear slowly creeping back.Jeff stood and slowly and deliberately walked to the embalming pump.He turned to igor and said with a cold smile on his face."Why to the afterlife of course.I'm sorry to say old friend but your jokes need to be put down."Igor's blood froze in his veins as he heard jeffrey's casual response,his heart pounding against his chest.His casual yet twisted smile informed igor that this was no joke."He's really going to kill me."he thought,with a whimper."Why jeff,why would you do this? I know my jokes are pretty bad and my pranks can get under people's skin,but they can't be bad enough to kill me over.So please don't do this over something this stupid."Igor begged,trying to appeal to his partner's common sense.The smile on jeff's face switched to a more unreadable emotion.One that was a mixture of nuclear anger and just plain outrage.Jeff set his eyes downcast and whispered quietly"Stupid?Heh,tell me igor what do you think I'm doing this for?"Igor shivered.Jeff's voice sounded low and dangerous,and igor had a feeling that one wrong word would set jeff of like a landmine."W-well this is payback for all the pranks i did,isn't it?They finally drove you crazy

Jeff lifted his head toward igor with a look of pure anger as he rushed to the table,slammed his hands down on the gurney and shouted"Are you really giving your your juvenile stunts this much credit?!!You really think that I would do this for such an asinine reason!!!!Do you really take me for a fool!!!!!Your idiotic jokes were just an itch compared with what you did next!!!!!I can't believe that an moron like you would end up getting my promotion and for what?!!!Not your dedication.Not for your hard work.BUT FOR YOUR MINDLESS PRANKS!!!!!!Jeffery's heavy breaths echoed through the room,exhausted from his loud outburst.Jeff's head and body slumped down in what looked like exhaustion as if he had just ran 100 miles."I was told one that the only way you can succeed in life is through hard work and perseverance.And that fact is still true.The only reason you even have my job is through the sweat off my back." As quickly as his anger came,it vanished leaving only a malice loaded smile on Jeff's face."But that doesn't matter,it will all be over soon"jeff said.Igor,still recoiling from jeff's outburst,shakily asked."How d-do you think your going t-to g-g-get away with this jeff? Igor hoped that this would changed jeff's mind,but alas the smile never left his killer's face.

Jeff began to giggle at igor's naive question. Seeing igor,trapped and scared like a fly in a spider's web, made jeff feel this rush of glee and satisfaction that he could not describe.

He felt free.



Jeff grabbed a thin test tube and spoke into it like a microphone and spun on his toes with dramatic flair."Well,ladies and gentlemen,the man says wants to know what my grand cover up is.Should I tell him folks?"said jeff sounding like game show announcer. Silence filled the room as if jeff was listening to the answer of his invisible audience.Suddenly jeff shouted:"And there you have it.Sorry old friend the audience likes some suspense for the villain.And what kind idiot tells his plan to his nemesis."Jeff glanced at igor and smiled.Chills went down igor's back and he felt his heart pound a little harder.Jeff's smile reminded igor of a wolf at a in a slaughterhouse,hungry and more than eager to tear him to pieces. "Let's just say that I've double checked my plan for mistakes and I'm pretty sure it's foolproof."jeff said smugly. Igor grew pale and did not say another word.Jeff gazed at him with his ever present smile and said quietly:"I know what you're thinking and you're right,you are royally screwed."Jeff got up and went to turn on the embalming machine.As he worked he heard Igor begin to do the one thing he did not expect:


Jeff turned around slowly in time to see igor shaking the table in a fit of guffaws.Shocked and annoyed igor stomped over to the table and exclaimed."What the hell is so funny!!!!"

Through snickers igor replied"I just realized that this scenario is exactly like a murder from a scary story."Annoyed and a bit disturbed jeff scoffed and replied"Too bad this isn't a scary story where you can come back from beyond the grave to haunt me."

"But who says I can't?"

At this jeff chuckled."You really think that you're going to come back as ghost and haunt me as punishment?Impossible."

"Well,the world is a funny place after all jiff."

Jeff's eyes harden as he flipped on the embalming pump."You're nothing but a big joke ivan."he said.Igor giggled as he stared up at jeff,jeff could not tell what sort of emotion was being shown on igor's face ,but it chilled him to the bone.Even as igor felt the toxic chemicals rush through his veins,burning his body from the inside like fire,causing his body to thrash from pain, he laughed.His laugh turned to gurgling when the embalming fluid began to push all his blood through every opening of his body.Jeff cringed silently watching blood pour out of igor's mouth,eyes,and nose.Jeff had to step back because igor's laughter was causing blood to spurt out everywhere.Even through all the blood and obvious pain,Igor had on a smile that looked like it was splitting his face,but his eyes showed burning hot rage.Jeff wanted to turn away,but found that he could not move.All he could do was watch.Finally igor's blood soaked body went from thrashing to slight twitching as his rage filled eyes lost their spark.

But the grotesque smile did not die.

Now with all the blood that came from igor's mouth,the smile was painted a bright shade of red,that reminded jeff of a demented clown.The bleached white color of igor's skin added to the hell clown image.Jeff stood their for a good while shaking.He felt sick staring at the bloody corpse before him,but it was not the corpse that disgusted him the most.

But that damned smile on it's face.

And the vile wet laughter that echoed through out the room.

The Deadman's smileWhere stories live. Discover now