The Jester's Night

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It was a cool and crisp Thursday night at the morgue.The small trees around the square builds were already shedding their leaves,and when their leaves fell off they dragged and tumbled along the ground with a sound like a crackling fire.Jeff was in his new office getting his belongings together.It was a modest office,just a desk and two chairs,one in front,one in back.When jeff took the office he decided not to clutter it up with unnecessary items,so he kept the place the way it was.Jeff sighed in satisfaction as he walked out of the office.He had decided he would start off his vacation with watching a couple of tv shows he had been meaning to watch.He might even watch that movie tara recommended. It sounded like a decently creepy movie.As he walked down the hallway,jeff notices that the hall was so quiet he can hear the echo of his own footsteps,clicking through the hall rhythmically.The harsh luminescent lights flicker casted most of the hallway in brief darkness before coming to light again.Jeff's eyes lingered over those dark patches in the hall.He could not shake the feeling that someone was watching him from there. Waiting for just the right moment......


The door in front of jeff flew open,almost hitting his face."Ahhh!!"Jeff yelps falling backwards in total shock and surprise. The door noisily banged against the wall.Jeff's heart pounds in his chest as he waited for something to happen.But nothing did .Jeff blushed as he picked himself off the floor,chiding himself for being so skittish."Really!?Of all the things to happen while you're by yourself."jeff grumped.Jeff turned his attention to the room,thinking that something might have pushed it open from the inside.Jeff stepped into the now open room to investigate.The room that jeff entered was"The Cold Room";a room where all the corpses were kept before they were embalmed.As soon as jeff entered he was immediately shivering with finger-numbing cold.Jeff sighed heavily,cursing under his breath as he rubbed his arms for warmth.Jeff looked around the room for anything that could have been the culprit.The rectangular room was a dull lifeless gray,much like its occupants.The front and side of the room had humongous cabinets that held the recently deceased in their own private little cubby space.Each cabinet was marked by a little square door with a label and a number.As jeff looked around the room his eyes settle to a long shape coming out from one of the cabinets.

A pale sheet peaked out from one of the cabinets.

Jeff sighed in annoyance."Whoever works in here really wants to get fired doesn't he?"Jeff said,sarcasm coating his words like a bitter medicine.Jeff walks over to the open cabinet to close it. He grabs the edge of the table and shoves it back into the cubby hole.He then pushes the door shuts and bolts it."I'm not wasting anymore time here."jeff says.He turns on his heels,wanting to leave the morgue and go home.


A ear-drum shattering high pitched female shriek cuts across the air of silence in the room like a knife.Jeff jumps in surprise,his head whips around the room as he frantically tries to pinpoint where the source of the scream. All the while the screamer kept going,increasing her pitch to deafening proportions,sounding both desperate and sorrowful.Then a loud clanging sound of metal being pounded upon came from the left of jeff. He turned around fast,and then froze in fright at what he saw.

He found where the female scream was coming from.The shrill shriek was coming from the cubby hole that he had just closed,and that cubby hole door vibrated and buckled with what looked like a strong force that came from the inside of the hole.Jeff felt an even colder chill run through his body as he stared at the bolted door of the cubby hole,which slowly began to bend,and slowly started to back up towards the door.Above his head another cubby door banged loud enough to jump start his nerves another thousand watts.From that cubby hole a deep groan came from it's depths as whoever was on the inside also began to bang on the door with a jarring force.Another voice behind a door joined the first two.

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