Starting new burdens

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*Rachels pov*

It was about 9pm, and Kris and I were getting in the car trying to ignore the fact how cold it is.

"Mm~ thanks Kris! Dinner was yummy! I love Japanese BBQ's!"

We got in the car and sat down trying to settle before driving.

"Yeah. Don't mention it.."

Kris said blankly again as I'm putting in all the effort in the conversation...he's always like this. Why? Is it the way I am? My personality, my looks?

"Why are you always like this? I just try to talk to you and you get all cold and still."

I argued trying to keep my anger and frustration and a low key.

"Yah! Why do you expect me to be all that you want?! I just replied to you didn't I?"

"Yeah but you just stay cold like you don't even like me! We're married!"

I started sniffling and my eyes were getting watery.

"You're so clingy! Just leave me alone! Can you ever do that?!"

Kris said defensively while we just stayed in the car sitting.

"Me? Clingy? I'm not clingy whatsoever. All I wanted was some food! I just wanted a simple conversation! is that too much? Is that so bad?!"

I shouted as tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"You know what? You expect too much! You get upset at the littlest things! You're so annoying!"

I could sense the anger in Kris' voice.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and cried even more. I knew that it would be best for me right now to walk it off. I sniffled, looked down and opened the door and left. I just walked off, not looking back at the car. I needed someone who cares to talk to. But who? I just decided to walk to a park and just be alone. It shouldn't matter if I do.

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