Where are you really?

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*Rachel's pov*

It was noon now, and Kris was on the sofa reading a book. I felt like doing something, so I called Luhan.

"Hello Luhan!"

"Hi Rachel"

His voice that was usually perky, changed. Something was up.

"If you weren't doing anything today, I was thinking we could hang out and go somewhere. Want to?"

I asked.


Luhan said empty. This is weird.

"Uh, are you okay? Something is upsetting you.."

I became concerned. 

"I'm fine. Okay? Don't worry. I can pick you up and we can go somewhere. I can pick you up in an hour if you like.."

Luhan said quickly.

"Uh..alright. We can go to a park and talk or something."

"Great! I'll pick you up later. Bye."

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