Rouding Up Everyone.

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*Kris pov*

I ruffled my clothes one last time and knocked on the door. I don't know why, but I feel so nervous. Almost as if I was competing for Rachel. But why? Her and I married. She's my cute adorable wife, and I'm her handsome, loving husband. I tried to go get all the negativity out of my head and forced to pull myself together and finally knocked on the door. Luhan answered.

I greeted him with a smile then he walked to his room. I walked in to see if Tao was up. After searching through the dark living room being lit by only the TV, I found Tao buried in blankets on the couch sleeping.

"Ugh, get up lazy Tao!"

I shook his foot and he wouldn't move.

"Taooooo!" I became frustrated and pulled the blankets off. He wiped his eyes and finally rose up.

"Kris, whaaa are you doin' here?"

He said in his sleepy voice.

"Get up. The wife and I are taking you and Luhan to dinner."

"I was not aware of this. What is the time?"

I pulled up my coat sleeve and checked.


Tao looked surprised.

"I've been asleep for that long?!?"

Rachel then came out of Luhans room.

"I came here hours ago and you didn't even notice. You were sleeping. You are so lazy today!"

Tao and I laughed.

"So get ready! We leave at 8!"

I shouted playfully. Tao then got up and went to his closet to get dressed.

I turned around to look at Rachel. She looked amazing. She was looking at me, smiling. But I feel so nervous. I feel like she approaches Luhan more than me. It brings me down a lot.

*Rachels pov*

Kris was looking over at me concerned. Is everything okay? I walked to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. He was smiling now, but I still feel like he's upset at something. He turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. He's so adorable.

"I missed you today."

He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too. What did you do today?"

"Nothing really. There was nothing to do. All I want to do is spend time with you. But you were busy.."

This made me feel really bad.

Does he have no one to talk to? Or did he just miss me? Either way I didn't want to argue about it.

"I'm sorry. Luhan is having a hard time. I really don't know why though..hopefully tonight will make him feel better. So let's bring our cheery auras out and make him happy."

He nodded and squeezed me with his arms in a playful way.


After ten minutes, Tao came out ready. So I went to see if Luhan was. I opened the door and crept in.

"Luhan, you ready?"

He didn't reply.

I walked over to him and he was just sitting on the bed.

"Are you okay?"

He shook his head and looked down. I put my arm around him to comfort him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know anymore."

"You're just depressed?"

He nodded.

"Come on. Let's just go out and have a good time. Let's put our concerns away for the night. Okay?"

He looked at me and we stood up. We put our arms around each other and got up and got Kris and Tao and left.

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