Just like old times...sort of.

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*Rachel's pov*

I waited for Luhan's black sports car to come to a stop, then got in.

"Hey! Why were you here what's going on? Why are you crying?"

Luhan said with a concerned tone.

"I was at a restaurant with Kris a couple blocks away, and we got in a fight. He said some really bad things and I got really upset and I didn't know what to do so I broke down crying and left...sorry you had to pick me up."

"Woah! Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

Luhan's voice soothed me. He leaned over to my seat and gave me a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm here...I got you. Let's just go to my dorm and we'll talk. Okay?"

The warmth of his body gave me comfort. I sniffled and got all misty.


I replied.

"Alright. Let's go."

He began driving, and about ten minutes later we arrived to the dorm. I got out of the car, and Luhan handed me his jacket.


He took my arms and slipped it in the sleeves and then we walked in.

"Hiii Rachel!"

I heard Xiumin shout as we walked in. I smiled and waved. Luhan put his keys down and sat on his bed and he patted his hand on the mattress inviting me to sit.


Luhan said quietly and had me sit down.

"Why did you get so upset?"

He said with a concerned tone.

"I guess..I guess everything just got to me. We fight all the time, we don't even act like a real couple. I feel like he doesn't even love me..."

Even for me saying the truth out loud hurt.

"What? He loves you! Believe me he's not the guy to open up to people..don't take it personally. Who wouldn't love you? You're a smart, beautiful girl with a great personality. You deserve someone to love you and even if you feel like he doesn't, many people love you and cherish you..believe me."

"It just hurts loving someone who treats you poorly."

I sighed.

"Just remember to do what keeps you happy."

I smiled then sniffled again. I saw my phone light up, and I saw that it was Kris calling. I thought about what Luhan said, and rejected the call. Luhan watched me ignore the call and looked at me.

"Can we watch a movie? I need to keep my mind off of things...you know?"

I asked with a more louder and calmed tone.

"Sure! We should watch Dirty Dancing. Our favorite."

Luhan giggled back.

"It's on Netflix we can watch it!"

I said more upbeat. But I was actually really tired.

Luhan turned the tv on and played the movie. He got under the covers and put me under too and we snuggled up to each other watching. It was now about 12am, and we stayed in the dark with the tv lights on keeping things semi-visible. He had me rest up on his chest, and he played with my hair as I fell asleep with the warmth of this soothing body. Nothing can explain how we comfort each other.

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