Morning Dew

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Your eyes shot open as your early morning alarm sounded. More like screamed. That's what it felt like to you anyways.

6:45 AM. Shit.

"Ugh", you groaned, propping yourself up on one elbow and turning your alarm off. Sighing, you rubbed sleep out of your eyes and forced yourself out of bed. You weren't exactly a morning person and hated waking up early (with a passion, if you may say), but you made forcing yourself to get up look easy. How, you didn't know.

It was the middle of autumn, mid to late October to be precise, so the mornings were beginning to get darker. A tiny drop of dull morning sun seeped in through a gap in your curtains. Trudging to the bathroom, you turned on the shower and stepped in, nearly tripping over the edge of the bathtub in the process. You tried to keep it down so as to not wake your father, who was still sleeping. You assumed your attempt was successful.

15 minutes later, you were done. Now feeling slightly more awake, you dried yourself off before brushing your teeth, then heading back to your room to get ready for another day at Karasuno High School.

To you, Karasuno was a pretty good high school. You weren't the most popular person, as you were a bit on the shy side, but you did have a small handful of close friends, whom you were thankful for. Plus, it was fairly nearby and didn't take long to get to. The only downside to it was, well, getting up early.

Without saying a word, you pulled on your uniform and grabbed your hairbrush. But as you approached your mirror and put the brush to your head, there was a surprise waiting in store...

Your eyes widened as far as your face would allow, as you saw a small white heart on your knuckle, just underneath your pinky finger, being reflected in the mirror. Nah, it couldn't have been...

But it was.

It was your soulmate mark.

You stared at it with disbelief, so you licked your finger and frantically tried to rub it off, but then you broke into an ear to ear smile when you realised this wasn't some crazy dream; you had finally been matched with your soulmate! You had seen a lot of students at Karasuno with their mark in the same place as yours, and you had always wondered when yours would appear. You had often wondered what your soulmate looked like too.

Was he tall?

Was he handsome?

Did he even go to Karasuno? What if he was a first year just like you? It'd be a miracle if he was. You giggled at the thought - you could spend all 3 years at high school together! And maybe even...forever.

You were so ecstatic you couldn't even focus on what could go wrong. You knew in the back of your head that there was a chance you'd never find him. You knew there was a chance you could walk past each other at any given time without ever knowing he was your soulmate. You knew there was a chance he wouldn't even like you. But then again, you had been matched with your soulmate in the first place, so what reason was there to think that way? For starters, the fact that you and your soulmate had finally been matched put a stop to your so far, so shitty morning, so it wasn't necessary to worry - for now anyway.

You resumed brushing your hair with a big grin plastered on your face and giggling like a dork every now and again. Upon finishing, you grabbed your school bag and phone, left your room and hopped down the stairs with a spring in your step. You danced into the kitchen, where your mother was in her dressing gown and slippers, brewing herself a cup of tea. Her hair was messy and her eyes were half-lidded.

She glanced up at you, her eyes widening a fraction.

"Morning, love", she quietly said. "You're awfully...uh...chipper this morning".

Affectionate Hearts - Yamaguchi x Reader (Haikyuu Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now