Day One

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Day One

My name is Sara. I'm of average. Brown hair. Brown eyes. I'm as normal as they get, but my dad is what makes everyone want to be with me. My dad is a Music producer. He's worked for Adele, Boys Like Girls, The Civil Wars, The Neighbourhood, but the one he gets credited for the most is One Direction. They want the "Guy who did One Directions album". I don't get the big fuss over One Direction. Sure they make good music, but I guess I'm not really into it. They where cool guys though, so I can see why in some way.

My dad and I are at our home in Tennessee. It was a nice break from New York. It's so peaceful here. Plus, this is my home. I grew up here. The spiral staircase,and the french doors leading to the pool. I missed this house. I went down, and made dad coffee. Mom would do this if she was here, but she's away on a trip. She's an agent for The X-Factor. She's the one who helps narrow down people.

I walked into my dads study, and gave him his coffee. "Here you go, dad," I whispered to him since he was on the phone. I heard him click down the phone.

"Hey, so you're mom can't pick you up, because she's on a business in Texas for another week, and I have to go to work. How would you like to come? I'm at Blackbird Studios today, so it won't be all the same faces, but I don't want you here home alone," He said, and got up.

"Okay. Who you working with today?" I asked, as I sat on the chair at his desk.

"Some band named Hot Chelle Rae. C'mon! We leave in ten, and I don't think you want to be seen in your PJs," My dad laughed.

I ran upstairs. Hot Chelle Rae? They sound familiar. Hum. I put on my jeans, and my T-shirt that I got at TopShop in New York. That was a fun trip. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and grabbed my shoes. "Ready!" I called running down the stairs.

"Let's go then," He opened the door for me, and I went straight to the car. Once he unlocked it, I got in to put in my favorite CD. Fleetwood Mac Rumors. Dad likes it too, so I don't have to put up much of a fight.

"This is it. Much smaller right?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. I like it," I smiled, and got out of the car.

"Studio D. Tell the lady at the front desk," My dad was happy that I want to follow in his footsteps.

"Studio D? We're new," I felt so at home in these studios.

"First door to the right," She gave me a smile. My dad never could learn how to be friendly to the front desk people.

My dad walked in first.

"Ken, right?" Some guy with a purple streak in his hair asked.

"Yes, Nash," He nodded. My dad introduced me to all the guys, and the sound guy too. "This is my daughter Sara," He said at the end. "So let's just get down too it. Let me hear what you guys have lined up," My dad checked out the sound quality of the track and heard a clicking noise. "Well lets do another take of that, and this time, I want the drums in the ISO5 booth, so that they wont over come the vocals. I also have a feeling that the clicking sound is from the mic, so I'll go and check that out before we start," My dad got down to business, and saw that there was a knot in the mic chords, and he fixed it. Jamie went in the ISO5 booth, and waited for us to start.

The rest of the day went smooth. Ryan laid down some good vocals on the track. He has a rare voice. I really liked it. All of us even went out for lunch together, and got to know each other a little more. My dad called it a day since it was going so well. I looked at my phone, and saw that it was 10pm. Dad called it early tonight. He usually will stay till two, even three, am. I guess he did have a good day.

"Thanks Ken. I have a good feeling about you working with us," Ryan gave my dad a pat on the back.

"Nice meeting you Sara," Ryan smiled, and walked away.

I had this strange feeling in my chest when he said my name. Maybe it was because I'd been in this studio for too long. Maybe it's something about Ryan.

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