A true love story never ends -38

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Things come and go, but love is forever. They say every story needs an ending, but a true love story never ends. it goes on and on every day till the day you die. Because once you have love in your life , you never want to let it go. Love can change people in the best way possible. I know this first hand. never let go of love. Things may be hard but you just have to think, come what may.

I know Ryan will always be my only love. I know that as long as I'm with him I'm happy. I know that now. he is my one and only. I know that our love story will go on for years and years.

"Hey, Sara," Ryan says as he walks though the door. I closed my laptop and smiled at him. "So I have a tour in Japan in a few weeks," he reminded me. he had been excited about it for a while. singing truly is his passion. I love him for that.

"Yeah, I know," I laughed at him. He had told me that yesterday too.

"I talked with Dave about our budget and we can take you with us," Ryan smiled.

"Ryan I have a job," I explained.

"You're working front desk! If you go on tour with us you can be our live sound engineer!" Ryan smiled brightly at me.

"Is it a paid job?!" I was getting really excited about it.

"Yeah," he smiled at me with his usual ear to ear smile. I could never say no to that smile.

"Yay! Wait... are you going to be my boss?" I questioned.

"I guess so," he winked at me. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"I'll do it but there will be no sex on the tour bus. Remember when bashed pulled that with Stormie and everyone heard them?" I mentioned looking away from him.

He grounded and said, "fine!"

I could tell that this would work out perfectly. Ryan and I wouldn't have to be apart for so long. This will be great... or so I thought...


I was going to end the story here but I want to continue so I am cos I have so much to write about sound engineering! guys OMG it's my thing! anyways I really wanted to write about how either way, touring can be hard on a relationship. so yay!

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