Movies and Disasters -24

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Movies and Disasters

Kendall is coming over tonight. We have a movie night planed. We're going to watch Stepbrothers. I love that movie, and I didn't really want to watch a movie that would make it hard to sleep. I already have the popcorn ready. I hope she eat's popcorn. I had a friend that hated it, so we just ate ice cream while we watched a movie. It wasn't bad, but I just found it odd.

"You have fun at girls night," Ryan said coming down the staircase.

"Have fun with your brother," I said. I think it's great that he's taking time to spend with Jamie. I wish my brother... I stopped myself from finishing that thought. It still hurts too much.

"Oh popcorn," Ryan walked over, and picked one out so he could put in his mouth. "I'll see you tonight," Ryan kissed me quickly, and started to walk out the door.

"Be safe!" I told him.

"I always am babe," Ryan laughed as if it was a joke. It means so much more to me then he knows.

"Really," I said. I could feel my eyes almost start to water.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

I knew if I told him the truth that he wouldn't enjoy his night with his brother. I can't do that. I'm not that selfish. "It's nothing," I said as I touched his chin. My hand went down to his shoulder, and I brushed it off, and just kept it there for a second.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asked. He know's when something is wrong.

"Yes. Now go have fun with your brother," I laughed, and pushed Ryan a little.

Ryan gave me another kiss before he left.

I pulled myself together, and went to the bathroom. I drank like a gallon on water when I woke up today. I heard a knock at the door as I was in the bathroom. I washed my hands quickly, and ran down the stairs to the door. I opened it up, and it was Kendall.

"Hey, Sara," Kendall smiled. "I brought wine!" She held up the wine that I didn't know how to pronounce.

"Coll. Come in. I got everything set up already," I took the wine, and went to the kitchen to get the wine glasses. I filled them up, and went to the sofa where Kendall was already set up. I can already tell we're going to be best friends.

Halfway though the movie Kendall and I just started talking. She asked me. "Anywhere in the world where would you want to go?"

"Vegas. I think it's amazing there. I like the history of Vegas. I like the lights too. I just think it's an amazing place," I said.

"I lived there before I moved to Tennessee," Kendall mentioned.

"What made you move to Tennessee?" I asked.

"Tom," She said with a smile. One that let me know that she was very happy.

"How come?" I asked her.

"Well I guess it... Wait do you really want to hear this, or are you those people who don't like stories?" She asked.

"I love stories!" I responded.

"Okay so I met Tom in Vegas when he was doing a show there. I was walking down the street, and Tom came out of nowhere with his guitar, and almost hit me with it! He apologized and took me our for a drink. Then we started going out more and more. Then we talked about moving in together, and Tom had connections here so here we are," She smiled faintly. I could tell she was thinking back to all the memories she had with him.

"Wow. I met him when my dad was working for McFly in California. He took them and I out to eat. Witch is about the same way I met Ryan," I said.

"Oh. You must tell. I'm a sucker for love stories," She paid all her attention to me.

"Well. I met Ryan in the studio with my dad. I felt that Ryan and I instantly had something. I thought it was just the excitement of being in the studio, but it was more than that. Ryan and I had something that I've never had before. Then on the cab ride home Ryan kissed me for the first time. Ryan and I kept us a secret since I was working with them," I said.

There was a knock at the door. "I'll get that. How about you go pour us some more wine in the kitchen?" I asked as I got up.

Kendall went to the kitchen, and I went to the door. I opened it up to see the last person I wanted to see.


Wasn't the best chapter I know but who is at the door? Also I'll be making a new HCR fanfic in the fall!!

New chapter next sunday. it'll be stormtrouper Sundays lol okay

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