JAPAN! -39

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This one is extra long bc the last one was really short. so here you go! Also this is a span of a few months bc this is the last chapter till the epilogue!

Japan is amazing! Everything here looks so amazing. We've been here for a day and the guys had a live acoustic gig so I was in the bus playing a game on my phone. I also chatted with Cam and Dave. The lighting guy hasn't warmed up to me quite yet so he kept his distance. I didn't mind. I'm sure he'll get over whatever it is. I mean it has only been a day.

The band was scheduled to play at the amphitheater or something in a little more than a week. The band had much to go to make sure that they were prepared. Considering that they have a new bass player and all. Ryan got out his lap top and started a set list for their show next week. He was so excited. I could see it in his eyes.

I was put at the end of the theater to get a clear view of the guys. It was a small control room. The lighting guy and the tour manager where in there with me. The roadies sat on the floor and at the producers desk. The place wasn't too big, so I didn't have to set up in the middle of the place. Plus it's a theater and I'm sure I'm not the first one to do sound here. I took turns sitting down and watching the guys play.

The guys got a standing O after every song. I was so happy for him. Backstage, after the show and amid all the excitement, the band said goodbyes to the rest of the crew.

"Sara that was great! My mic didn't go crazy when I got close to Nash's!" Ryan smiled at me.

"Well that is my job, Ryan," I laughed. he did too before he gave me a kiss. This tour was going to be great. I can tell.

"The guys and I are going to celebrate our first show in Japan. You should come with us," Ryan smiled at me.

How could I say no? I nodded my head and went back to clean the rest of the things up.

We got to the bar and everyone was excited! We drank all night long! It was a real blast! That is until I woke up the next mornig.

The next morning I felt as if I was one of those mice that run but never go anywhere. Badically, I had a hangover. The first in a long time. It only took me forty minutes to eat breakfast and shower. I walked out and Ryan was right at the bathroom door with a smile.

"What do you want?" I asked. This hangover was killing me. Ryan handed me a drink. Probably for my hangover. In a few minutes I felt it working. I did my hair and put on jeans and a top. Ryan was following me around like a lost puppy. He hasn't even said anything since I've been up. "What?!" I asked.

"You don't remember last night do you?" He asked still with that stupid smirk. It was sexy but I was rather confused. I shook my head. He said "We did it in the bathroom of the bar last night."

"Man. are you saying I don't remember the first time I had sex in Japan?" I remember telling him that the other day. He nodded. "Guess you're getting sex tonight!" I laughed. Nash heard us and groaned. I just laughed more. so did Ryan.

Japan tour went by quicker than I thought. It was an amazing tour! I was so glad that all the guys were so happy. Especially Ryan. He has been hurt ever since I told him that we were going to fast. He actually avoided me for a day on the tour because I said something about Lucy. I think he felt like I was hurt. I guess I was, but it didn't help that he didn't talk to me that day. we even spent a few times in the recording studio in Japan to finish up sooner.
Once we got back to the US we finished the album. My job on their album was done. I had finished an album. I was so proud of myself. Ryan was too, but mostly at himself. Go figure. I knew that this is what I wanted to do all my life. I was completely happy. I don't know how I lived years without Ryan and these guys.

Last chapter till epilogue. Are you feeling nostalgic bc I am! Thanks for reading babe.

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