Chapter 1: The Fight!

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"Watch out!" Dean yelled when he saw a vampire, who had been hiding, launch itself at Sam.  That was all he could say before the vampires he was facing started in on him again.  They were in an abandoned, secluded warehouse on the outskirts of New Orleans,  Tennessee.  Sam and Dean Winchester were on a hunting trip. A vampire hunting trip to be exact. They had only know about six vampires, three for each of them, but it turned out that there was seven instead.  Sam turned around and threw his arms out, but the vampire slammed into him before he could move.  The momentum of the two of them was enough to carry them into the brick wall that was behind Sam.  Sam's head slammed into the wall and he was seeing stars.  The vampire started trying to bite at Sam's neck but Sam punched it in the jaw.  The vampire's teeth went into Sam's forehead and cut from above his eyebrow to above his ear.  Blood started pouring out of the cut.  Sam's vision started going black, and the last thing he saw was the four vampires start to feed on him. 

When Dean looked back at Sam he saw the vampires feeding on Sam.  All of a sudden, he heard a whoosh and Castiel appeared.   Cas saw Dean surrounded by vampires and started that way to help but Dean yelled, "Over there!  Help Sam first, I'm fine!"  Cas hesitated but when he looked over at the condition Sam was in, he headed over to help.  After he beheaded all the vampires that were feeding on Sam, Cas helped Dean finish off the others.  Dean and Cas ha and into the Impala.  They went back to the hotel where they cleaned, stitched and bandaged Sam's injuries, then Dean cleaned himself up and Cas helped him stitch his wounds.   They attempted to wake up Sam, but he stayed unconscious though everything that they tried.   All they could do now was wait. 

You and Me... and Sam.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin