Chapter 5

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After bonding over their mutual interest in Doctor Who, Lance and Keith began an enthusiastic discussion on who fit the role of the Doctor the best. It soon morphed into a full fledged debate and both boys were on their feet. Lance was determined to win, because, as seen before, he is incredibly stubborn. Lance jerks forward after Keith makes a strong point and readies a comeback, but right as he opens his mouth to unleash a bunch of knowledge, Keith bumps into the bookshelf and the small collection of books crashes to floor.

"Whoops." Keith surveys the damage and finds that nothing broke, thankfully. With a sigh, Lance walks over and helps Keith re-shelf the books. Leaning over, Lance reaches for a book in the pile but instead grabs a binder which had been hidden in the cluster. It's an ordinary binder, one that you'd find in a school, white with small pencil marks decorating the outside. Curious, Lance opens it.

Its filled with a bunch of pictures, each one of this cave. It was a normal cave, by cave standards, except for the carvings decorating its walls. Although each one was slightly different, they were practically all the same image--a majestic lion. After flipping through multiple pages of pictures, Lance comes upon a page of notes. The handwriting is a beautiful cursive. Each word is a masterpiece itself.

Lance is so busy admiring how beautiful the words are to actually read the words, so when Keith pulls the binder from his hands he hadn't had the chance to figure out what the page said.

"Hey! I was reading...whatever that was," Lance protests.

"You mean you were invading my privacy." Places the binder out of his reach.

"Yes!" Lance says enthusiastically, than closes his mouth, confused. "No!"

"Mhh hm." Keith crosses his arms and gives Lance the Ya right look.

"Why can't I read it?" Lance whines, his lip jutting out and eyes pleading. The puppy dog look almost melts Keith, but he resists it and stays strong.


"Because why."

"Because you went through my stuff without my permission."


"But in this case I'll make an exception." Lances face lifts. "If you complete your punishment." Lances face immediately falls, but rises again as something dawns on him. Something dirty.

--But this is probably easily inferenced, seeing as Lance is just that kind of person; the kind of person that finds a way to flirt with any living thing within a ten mile radius. And for some reason, he especially wants to flirt with Keith. To see him blush. To see him laugh. To see him smile. But that's beside the point. My point is, Lance is a huge, bisexual flirt and everyone knows it. Okay, I'm done. Back to the story--

"What, you gonna spank me or something?" Lance lowers his voice suggestively. His efforts are rewarded quickly, for a red flush soon conquers Keith's face.

"N-n-no," Keith stutters, still recovering from Lances comment. He clears his throat before continuing. "Apologize, and then Ill tell you."

"I'm sorry for going in your stuff, Keith," Lance replies quicker than Keith expected he would.

Maybe Lance isn't as obnoxious as he seems.


"I found it sometime last year while walking along the beach," Keith began after at least half an hour of watching Lance beg to tell him about it. "It was just there, the only cave in miles. Then I went inside and found these," Keith gestured to the pictures of the lions carvings, "and I couldn't help but wonder what they were. I started going more and more often, trying to figure out what the carvings meant, but I never did. I haven't gone in a while now."

"We should go." Lance jumped up from his seat next to Keith.

"Right now?!" Keith exclaims.

"Why not! We can grab my surfboard on the way back too." Right, Keith had forgotten that one detail. With a sigh, Keith pushes himself up to stand next to Lance.



"Yep." Lance jumps up and down like a kid promised candy, a smile erupting on his face. Keith can feel a one tugging at his lips as well, and gives in to the urge to smile. Lance freezes at the rare sight. Keith--serious, emo Keith--is smiling. And its not just a small one, its a full fledged, teeth showing, smile.

Without realizing it, Lance's own smile has disappeared, his jumping has stopped. All his concentration has been redirected to memorizing every detail of Keith's face. Unfortunately for him, Keith's smile falls as soon as he realizes Lance has gone quiet. For a moment they just stare at each other, neither daring enough to break the silence. Once again Keith finds himself lost in Lances eyes. Like a boat lost at sea, he floats. A feeling serenity comes over him and all his problems melt from his mind. All that's there is the deep blue, the never ending ocean, the-

A large crash suddenly resounds throughout the house and whatever bubble had built up around Keith and Lance popped instantly. Lance rushes to the door, curiosity and fear of his blush being spotted driving him to check who it is. He opens the door slowly, cautious of the person behind it. The moment its opened a small form jumps forward and wraps itself around his waist.

Here it is! Sorry for the lateness! The rest of the team appears in next chapter! -TheGirlBehindTheMask
Word Count: 921

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