Chapter 6

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Lance has been friends with Hunk and Pidge forever. Whenever a bully tried to make Hunk feel bad about his bigger size, Lance was there to stand up for him. Though it got him beat up at times, Lance didn't care, he was helping a friend.

Whenever Pidge felt self conscious about her male clothing style, Lance was there to lift her spirits, even if it meant cutting into his little remaining free time.

But all the preparation in the world could not ready him for them randomly showing up at Keith's door, which is, mind you, in the middle of the woods.

"Lance!" Pidge let go and stepped back a few in order to stand next to Hunk in front of the doorway. "Where the hell have you been!"

--Did Lance forget to mention Pidge has a swearing problem?--

Lance opens his mouth to answer but Hunk beats him to it. "You've been gone for two days now! We were so worried! And then we found the surfboard and the blood and you weren't there and I thought you'd been dragged off by a hungry pack of hyenas!"

"There aren't any hyenas in California," Keith interrupts.

"That's beside the point-" Hunk cuts off once he realizes it had not been Lance speaking, but Keith, who had been standing quietly near the couch for the whole conversation.

"State your name." Pidge commands, peering up at Keith through her glasses after somehow making it across the room in seconds.

"K-Keith," Keith stutters, slightly scared of the shorter girl.






"Newspaper delivery."

"How come I never see you?"

"I deliver them at night."

"What do you think of technology?"

"It's...awesome?" And with that the grueling interrogation comes to an end. Keith can't help but sigh. But right as Pidge opens her mouth again, it gets caught in his throat.

"I approve. You and Lance may date," Pidge declared. Keith's eyes found Lances and both of their faces flared up like tomatoes.

"Pidge!" Lance exclaims. "What did I tell you- "

"I know, I know. Don't get involved in my love life blah blah blah."

"I'm gonna-"

"If you're all good now can I had back? There's a cave I need to check out." This time it's Lance and Keith's turn to be surprised. Standing in the doorway is a tall man, with black and white hair, wearing a Cali Coast Guard shirt and swim shorts.

"Lance, Keith, this is Shiro. We called him to help find you when you didn't come back," Hunk explained. Keith, being Keith, went over to meet him, and Lance, being Lance, turned towards Pidge instead, because of course she's the root of all mischief.

"How exactly did you find me?"

"Oh, it was easy. I just had to activate the tracker I implanted in you last summer," Pidge says nonchalantly.

"Wait, what! I don't remember any trackers being implanted!"

Meanwhile, Keith has made his way over to Shiro and introduced himself.

"What cave were you talking about earlier?" Keith asked, a strong suspicion of which one it was already pulsing at the back of his mind.

"Some guy says he spotted a cave down the beach a couple of days ago. With drawings on the walls that were pulsing blue. I'm gonna go check it out to make sure everything's okay," Shiro explained. The second Keith hears drawings he blanks out.

It has to be the cave.

By the time Keith tunes in again all he hears is pulsing blue.

"Wait, when did this guy find it, exactly? "Keith asks, an idea biting at the back of his mind.

"Monday." Shiro looks at Keith funny, but Keith is too deep in thought to care. It's Tuesday, Keith found Lance a day ago, so Monday. The blue light and Lance have to be connected, it can't be a coincidence.

"Would you mind if we came with you?" Keith asked, silently begging for him to say yes. Keith has to figure this out. It's been bothering him for more than a year now.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Shiro smiles and Keith can't help but smile back. He can't wait. Lance might just be the breakthrough he's been looking for.


Jealously is an odd thing, one that Lance has rarely experienced himself. It creeps up on you like a cold, infecting your brain and spreading via bloodstream till it burns all over. It's the only thing you can think about when you have it, ever present in the back of your mind.

Lance never knew that someone he just met could make him feel this way, but it turns out Lance doesn't know a lot of things. Like how he likes black mullets and purple eyes(I️ get it. I️ made a mistake. They're purple, not brown.) and Keith's smile watching from across Keith's living room as Shiro and Keith smiled at each other and talked made his heart throb. Lance wanted to be smiling and talking with Keith, and he definitely didn't want anyone else doing it.

So the entire walk to the beach, a scowl had taken over his lips. Keith couldn't help but notice his change in attitude and decides to go over and see what's wrong.

"Hey Lance," Keith calls from his spot behind Lance. Lance stops for a moment, allowing Keith to catch up, before continuing his slow trudge. "Whats wrong?"

"I don't know, Keith. Why don't you go ask your buddy Shiro? Looked like you guys were hitting it off earlier." A bitter tone is evident in Lances words, and he didn't even try to hide it. Than it hits Keith-Lance is jealous. Keith's heart flutters once it dawns on him. Could it be possible that Lance liked him? Enough so that he got jealous when he smiled at someone else? A smile soon spreads across Keith's lips as he imagines it, and it seems that Lance notices.

"What you smiling about?" Keith cant help but chuckle. How could he have been soon stupid?!

"Shiro and I were just talking about the cave were going to, I think its the same as the one I told you about," Keith explained and Lances mouth morphed into and 'O'. "He said that someone saw it earlier and it was glowing blue." Then Keith adds with a sudden rush of confidence; "And by the way, I'm not into guys with skunk hair." Keith winks at Lance and smiles. Its not long til Lance smiles back. After a few seconds of quiet, Lance opens his mouth as if to say something, but before he can say anything Hunk yells from up ahead.

"Guys, you might want to see this."


I'm back, and on time this time. Hope you enjoyed! See ya this weekend- TheGirlBehindTheMask

Word count: 1127

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