Chapter 7

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There in the distance, a cave stuck out from the dull sand. A collection of black rocks jutted out on either side of the entrance, each on sharpened to a point. But none of them dwelled on those details long. No, they instead focused on the dull blue light emitting from within the rock structure.

"Whoa," Lance whispers, unable to contain himself.

"You got that right," Pidge replies, ruining the whole its a miracle! mood. Without thinking, Lance lurches forward towards the entrance.

"You okay buddy?" Hunk asks, concerned for his friends random behavior.

"Ya." Lance barely glances away from the cave. He can feel something inside of it, something calling for him. Keith is quick to notice the confusion on Lances face.

"Lance?" Keith whispers in his ear. This seems to shock Lance of out...whatever he'd been in.

"It wants me to go inside," Lance tries to explain.

"What does?" Shiro butts in, full investigative mode taking over.

"I don't know.." Lance trails off and turns to stare at the blue light again. Without a word he starts walking forward, straight towards the cave. Troubled, the rest of the gang turn to look at each other before running after Lance, who was almost at the entrance already.

Inside the cave its even weirder. The walls are decorated by numerous drawings, each one of the same intricate lions. But Keith knew all this already. What really fascinated him was the sharp blue light glowing from each drawing. It is easy to tell that the lights had become brighter as they neared the cave, and Keith is willing to bet it was because Lance had walked closer, not the group as a whole.

Keith's guess is confirmed when Lance walks forward and brushes his hand across the rock wall. In response the blue light reaches a blinding intensity and the guys are forced to shut their eyes. When the light is finally lowered to an okay brightness, Keith peals his eyes open only to see a hunk of blue gem hovering less than an inch from Lances nose.


Lance has never in his entire life seen such a HUGE gem. Sure, once in awhile he'd happen upon a small chip of something and would give it to Lizzy, his younger sister, as a gift, but they were never so BIG.

A feeling of need comes over Lance. He doesn't just want to touch it, he needs to. It feels as if this is what he is meant to do, like his whole life has built up to this one moment. This is his purpose. Lance reaches out slowly, cautious, and grabs it from the air. Now that the gem is in his hand, the light has seemed to dim even further, and a calming sensation overcomes him. Small pulses radiate from it and travel through his hand into his body. Its almost as if it trying to..tell him something? Ideas appear in Lances mind. The gem- no, amulet-wants Lance to do something.

"Lance?" Pidge asks, her eyebrows scrunched into her famed what-the-h*ll-is-going-on face.

"It's telling me to do something," Lance thinks out loud, ignoring his friends. Shutting his eyes, Lance looks inward. In seconds he is able to translate what the amulet is communicating to him. Now that he's not confused, Lance opens his eyes with a smirk. Before shouting out in a horrible cowboy accent;

"Y'all ready for this?!"

"Lance! What are you talking about?" Keith yells, only to be interrupted by Lance chanting loudly.

"Tela la portae das Castle of Lions!" And with that a blinding blue light envelops the cave, before disappearing along with the caves inhabitants.


Sorry for me lateness! I've been sick and busy and schools coming to a close so I have like a hundred things due within the next two weeks... But thankfully school will be done soon and I will have a bunch of time to write!- TheGirlBehindTheMask

Word Count: 660 words

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