Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Guess what!

I'm not dead! I put on a pretty good act though. Sorry bout that whole 'not updating for like two months thing.' No hard feelings......right?..........

Another thing, I apologize in advance for the quality of this chapter, definitely not my best, but I have a good plot for next chapter. sooooooo sorry, not really sorry.

Thanks to anyone still reading this story.

Special thanks to the people who actually read this obnoxiously lone pre-chapter author notes.

And extra extra special thanks to those who told me to update!

So in sum; I've risen from the grave, and thanked those with human decently! Sounds like everyday.


From the age of twelve, Lance has always hated the somber color of purple. The reason for the loathing was quite silly actually-it started when someone snuck hair dye into his shampoo, and he was stuck with the color for nearly a year. Since then the bubbling distaste had lowered to a sizzle, the fire burning beneath it no longer regulatory lit. Lance would have been just fine with it staying this way; no hair dying incidents, no surprise purple confetti, no armed purple cats chasing after him as he ran screaming, but for some annoying reason fate always seems to have a will; and you know what those pompous authors always find a way to say, where's there's a will, there's a way. Which brings us back to the present, where Lance's hatred of purple had been thoroughly revived via fluffy alien, Keith was trying to save an idiots life, and Hunk was, well, Hunk was watching. It wasn't everyday your best friend and his gay crush are getting killed by some purple fluff ball while trying to retrieve lost accessories.

"Lance! Go right!" Keith yells, flinching as Lance follows his shout with a dive and a blast of laser flashes through his shadow, meeting the ground with a sizzle of rock. Shit, he runs forward, his mind racing almost as fast as his feet. We're fucked. And definitely NOT in the good way.

This fact is only made more evident when their attacker swings towards his voice, leveling his blaster at a new target, which Keith could not be more unhappy about, though it is slightly better than then having the barrel pointed at Lance's back. Slightly being the operative word. At the last second Keith rolls, jacket nearly ripping along the rough floor but miraculously surviving, as Keith is happy-ish(who can really be happy when trying not to die?)to note as he exits the tumble with a swift jump to his feet.

Only to find that while he'd been escaping death the universe had suddenly decided to actually help them for once—i know, i know. Unrealistic. The universe actually helping? Where do I even get these ideas?—. Keith's eyes find the purple creature, only to find the alien clawing at his weapon, hitting its side in an attempt to bring it back to life, but the glow that had once brought it to life refuses to come back. Before he thinks it Keith is running, his eyes fluttering between his target and the sudden cutoff of ground behind him. Another set of thundering feet signal Hunk's following, and Keith slows to let him catch up. They reach the alien together, crashing and pushing and shoving into the alien as it stumbles and fall to their efforts, rolling straight over the edge and tumbling down the crater's wall with what almost sounds like a strangled "WHY".

Though Keith can't be sure, he's a little to focused on balance, or more specifically the lack of balance held by his companion as Hunk tips forward, giving into momentum and following the blob of purple down the surface.

For a moment Keith just blinks, waiting for the seconds to slow and his brain to catch up. His eyes trace the spots as they fall, bouncing up and down along the surface, anything to distract him from realizing once again how screwed up all of this is.

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