Chapter 12

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Lance is all for beauty sleep. In fact, it makes up nearly have of his daily activities. But a 10,000 year nap might be overdoing it, just a little bit, but he intelligently--I know, surprising right?--decides not to mention it.

Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro stay silent, watching with curious eyes the strange events unfolding before them. The woman, Allura, is trembling, as if the weight of the world has just fallen upon her shoulders, and in some form it has.

"Is there..." she begins, but finds herself unable to finish the sentence. The Princess allows herself a second to recollect herself before uttering but two words; "King Alfor?" She looks to Corran, her fateful adviser, the one who's been with her through it all, but he cannot meet her eyes, for he cannot give her the answer she desires. Allura can sense his sadness, and knows his answer without having to ask.

King Alfor, her father, is dead.

The paladins, who had become like brothers and sisters to her, are dead.

"Altea?" Allura whispers, almost too afraid to ask.

Corral merely shakes his head. No.

Everyone she had known, the council men, her tutors, the entire Altean race, is gone. Zarkon... Allura is immediately filled with rage as she stumbles over the last name. Zarkon. He's the reason for this. He is accountable for each of her family's deaths He betrayed us and for that he must pay. For that he will pay.

Princess Allura turns toward the unlikely group of five, a renewed passion burning in her eyes. She meets each of their gazes, assessing them one by one as she uses her power to look deeper. Searching beyond their skin to the spirit lying within their hearts.

"Um, excuse me?" The large one steps forward cautiously as their eyes meet. "Are you okay, miss?"

"I will be," Allura responds, smiling sadly, to which he grins back, an aura of kindness just radiating from his being. Yellow and him will get along wonderfully.

The Princess then moves her gaze to that of the tall lanky boy hovering near his friends side. Her mind moves back, remembering how he had not hesitated to protect his friend, even if it meant drawing the fire to himself. Her eyes fall on the amulet gripped in his hands, a faint blue glow still emanating from its core. Blue picked well. Allura smiles as she feels Blues spirit respond. The familiar feeling is comforting, but she only allows herself a moment of rest before continuing her assessment.

Allura does not require much magic for the next one, his appearance is enough. His clothes are dark, his gaze sharp and narrowed. His expression speaks dangerous and rebellious, but Allura can feel his curiosity and protectiveness peaking out from beneath the disguise. Red will suit him perfectly.

Next is the small one, which after a closer inspection, Allura decides is indeed not a boy, but a girl. Slightly grateful knowing she's not the only female on the team, Allura inspects her aura and is happy to find the small girl holds a large library of information, her brain basically stretching to fit it all. Aside from her enormous mental capacity, Allura senses a fire within her. Its bright, nearly blinding, and constantly spitting out embers and sparks. Green will be happy to have her.

Finally, the Princess reaches the last remaining member of the group. Allura is instantly struck with a barrage of information. The man has a dark past, one he has yet to uncover, but will undoubtedly recover his lost memories soon. Not only that, but he feels a deep sense of loss, though he cannot discern what it originates from, that weighs down on his heart. He is unquestionably meant to lead this group, and will soon grow to be the trusted leader he was meant to be. Black will gladly allow him to lead at his side.

Allura draws her eyes back, taking in the entire group as a whole. Yes, she smiles softly, they'll all do just fine.

"Welcome, Paladins, to the Castle of Lions." Unfortunately, formal greetings must have been lost as time went by, for none of those addressed make an attempt to respond, or even step forward. They just stand there awkwardly, a constantly deepening confusion etched into their features. Allura decides to step back a little and take a more slow approach.

"You have been chosen to become the new Paladins," she continues, urging them, any of them at this point, to say something, anything. Unfortunately for her brain, she's given much more than she wished for. Their questions rain down on her, one after another in rapid succession.

"Paladins? Paladins of what?"

"What happened to the last ones!?"

"What the in world are Paladins?"


"Why us?"

Allura opens her mouth, attempting to get a word in only to be hit by more and more questions. She huffs in annoyance, placing her hands on her hips, but none of people before her take notice. Finally, she has had enough.

"ENOUGH," she yells, and the noise leaves as quick as it came. The large one trembles, cowering in fear behind his lanky friend. The Princess sends a soft smile his way, attempting to calm his nerves, before addressing the entire team.

"You were brought here by Blue," Allura gestures at the amulet in the boy's hands and he cautiously brings it to his face, finally taking the time to inspect it, "after he deemed you all worthy of becoming the next Paladins of Voltron." The man Allura proclaimed leader of the group steps forward, already fitting into his role perfectly.

"Voltron?" He asks, a sense of deja vu feeling him as he speaks it. Allura nods in response, showing she understands his wish to know more before speaking.

"Yes. The amulet that brought you here contains one of the five lion spirits that make up Voltron. These five amulets hold immense magical power that can only be called upon by its paladin. You five have been chosen to become paladins and use this power to defend the multiverse." She says this simply, as if it's the most normal thing in the world, and to her, it is.

"Okay, okay." Tall and lanky, steps forward. "Even if this whole 'Voltron' thing is true, big if, by the way, how do we know your story is even true?"

"I-I believe her," the large steps forward. "What other explanation is there? We were in the cave and now we're here. It must be magic!"

"You're right," their leader agrees before turning to Allura, ignoring lanky's mumbling. "How can we help?" The entire rooms trains their eyes on Allura. Allowing herself a brief moment to center herself, the Princess takes a deep breath. This is what you trained for, she chants to herself, you can do this. Slowly, she opens her eyes, meeting their gazes before strongly stating;

"We must collect the lion stones and bring them together so that we may form Voltron, and battle Zarkon."

"But Princess! It's been 10,000 years. Do you really think he's still alive by now?" Cortana pops out of nowhere, rubbing his mustache. (Random fact of the day; Whenever I read this word I imagine it with an Italian accent. Me mustache!)

"I don't think. I know. I can feel his presence and the pain he has spread. We must stop him."

"Ahem." Pidge clears her throat, effectively drawing the Princesses attention to her. "Who exactly are you?"

Allura proudly answers, a fierce look in her eyes, "I am Princess Allura of Altea."
Whew that was a long one. Don't expect one that long for a while.

Kinda sad and serious. Hope you liked it :)

Oh, I just watched season three on Netflix! Yayyyyyy.


Word count: 1319

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