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hey guys!!!! so basically im gonna have this prologue be about kellin before all this about him moving and yada yada yada whatever. so yeah, lets get on with this.

kellins pov-

"Mom, there is no logical reason for me to go all the way to that stupid, hot, yehaw of a place." I yelled to my mom as she was proceeding to tell me shes sending me to live my my aunt and uncle way down in Louisiana. I see no reason for me to leave the beautiful place of california where there are beaches and mall and so much stuff that I love to do on a daily basis. I, in my whole 19 years of living, have I ever heard good things about that place.

"Oh please Kellin, stop being overdramatic. Your dad and I think it will be a great experience for you. You'll learn a lot about how I grew up. Hell, maybe even realize its not that bad." My mom was explaining to me while i was pacing back in forth in my room.

She mentioned something about this, whatever the frick you wanna call it a few months ago, but I never gave it a second thought. I figured she would forget about it or it was just one of her wannabe ideas of trying to make her self feel like one of those moms who are all about their kids and have no life outside of her kids. I

She took it amongst herself, after I clearly stated i was not going, to pack my bags for me, and apparently my flight is first thing in the morning. why does she have to be like this, going to this place will not do me any good. I will probably just sit around and do nothing.

"Mom, does that place even get internet?" I'm currently trying to use any excuse i can not to go.

"For Christ sake, get your bags packed, after that you can use the car to go to in and out before you go."

"WAIT. HOLD UP...back back back it up woman. Does this place not have in and out?" I asked, because if thy don't I might as well just go ahead and end my life, jump off the plane, get there and walk into the woods while someone is shooting them things out there, make a horse kick e in the face, or ya know maybe just drown myself in those water thingys that are everywhere. Who knows maybe i could just spare my mom the worry and just miss my flight.

"Kellin, come sit." She patted the seat next to her on my little sofa thing in my room. "Listen kells, its almost just as any other place except the people have a fairly southern accent, there isn't any in and out, it may be very hot, and not many beache-" i stopped her. "Mom you're making it worse, just get onto it." she continued. "Okay son, just think about it, this is a new experience for you and i want you to have a great time, enjoy yourself. Aunt jay has wifi, do not worry. You'll have your laptop so you can skype us any time were both free. I think you'll like it. Now go get you something to eat, come back get your stuff packed up and get a good nights sleep." I did just as she said.

Around here I wouldn't say i was very popular, but I was popular if you know what i mean. I had my clique of friends. I decided to get them to meet me at the in and out down the road a bit, I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye to everyone. They'd more or less personally fly to Louisiana themselves to kill me if I didn't say goodbye.

- at in and out

"Kellin!" My friend Jenna screamed as she ran towards me trying to drop her tray. The rest of the gang followed suit.

"So Quinn, its true huh?" my other friend Alex asked.

"I hate to say it guys, but yep. Mom is making me go to stay with my Aunt and Uncle so I can as she said 'get in touch with my roots', I know its ridiculous, but mom and I talked about it, maybe it will be a good thing. I don't know. I'm iffy about it." I sighed and started to drepressingly eat my fries.

"Dude, it is totally NOT a good thing. You will be stranded in that place of hillbillies and rednecks drinking beer out of those glass jars and shit, I don't think thats even actually beer, I once watched this show where they go and arrest people to make this alcohol stuff way out in the woods. Like seriously kellin, what if you like get ebola or something." Jack, my other friend is always telling me about these things he watched on the discovery channels and stuff, honestly you cant believe anything he says.

"dammit Jack, would you just shut up? Kells, i think this will be good for you. You need a break, get a away for a while. Maybe even find yourself one of those country boys that you see on the internet, like the one that sings and has the nice butt, he dances all the time on stage. i think his name is luke something. Anywho we ALL support you and we'll miss you. Make sure you skype us and text us, keep us updated. We gotta head back and you gotta head home, you have a flight in the morning." Jess told me, shes always been the mom of the group, she makes sure all of us are on the right strack, she really supports most of our decisions.

"Okay guys, I love you all, and Ill miss you" I told them as i made my way back to my car.

---so basically imma skip to the morning

It was time. time i leave the beautiful sunny California. I was in the car with my mo , on the way to the airport. My flight left in about 20 minutes.

The car ride ride was fairly quiet. I guess I really didn't have much to say, i was nervouse to leave my place of comfort and go to a place I have never been. I am very close to my aunt and uncle and maybe that the reason im not too scared of leaving. They come visit all the time, and from what mom has told me they own a fairly large ranch and have a big house.

"Here we are hun, your flight leaves in like 10 minutes so hurry along love." mom told me, i could tell she was now hesitant about me leaving, but there is no turning back now.

I leaned over the compartment separating the drivers seat and the passengers seat and gave my mom a long hug and kiss on the cheek. "Love you mom, let dad know i love him too, and i'll call you after i land.

I grabbed my luggage and went into the air port and got through security just in time, I got my pass or whatever and boarded the plane. Here we go.

Can't kick up the rootsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang