chapter 3

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*this is long over due, but i have been doing summer school because i missed to many days of school, but then stupid ass people who are re ding our water system here busted our main gas line and we had to evacuate the school so i figured id start on this.*

I woke up in confusion as to why there was an arm draped over my torso. I slowly moved my head to where i could get a view of what it was without disturbing whoever it was. It was vic, as soon as i saw him i remembered we had watched a movie together and we must've fell asleep. I very gently inched my way out of his hold, and went to take a shower. I really like showers.

*Vics POV*

i was awake when kellin woke up, but i quickly acted as if i were asleep so he wouldnt think i was creepy sorta kinda cuddling him. i laid for a minute before getting up and going to my own room. when i walked out of kellins room i heard singing, it was coming from the bathroom. It was Kellin singing. He had a great voice. It was so angelic.

I got into my own room and put on some clothes, I didnt have to help nat with anything today so i guess i could go out, maybe go to the mall or something. I'll as kellin if he wants to go. I combed my hair and put on my hat and i was ready.

I walked out and knocked on kellins door.

"Hold on, im naked" he screamed from the other side and i just laughed.

After a lot of shuffling around and stuff he opened the door. He hesistated though before speaking, no clue.

"Put some nice clothes on were going out" and i shooed him to hurry up.

I waited downstairs for him and finally the door shut and he came downstairs wearing some black ripped up skinnies, a grey and somewhat lavender t-shirt, and a pair of grey toms.. he looked good.

"Jay! im taking the truck out, me and kellin are going to the mall and stuff." i called to jay who was in the kitchen.

"Hey, nat is sick. Why dont y'all take the big truck, it'd be a lot more roomy and here," she threw the card at me "go have fun, my treat" she said and wined before walking off laughing.

Kellin and I walked outside and down the porch steps getting into Nats large Ford king ranch he just recently purchased. Istarted up the truck and we both fastened our seat belts. I went to reach for the radio but kellin harshly smacked my hand away and said "nope bitch, i'm the dj today" he turned on the blue tooth and began to set his phone up as i started down the drive way. 

strangely he didnt turn on any emo music like i expected, loudly busting through the speakers was some xxxtentacion. Kellin rapped along and had me dying by his facial expressions, he was so cute. Yes, i do like  boys... if that wasnt obvious already, but its weird.. i have only really found myself attracted to celebrities and never anyone in real life, there is just something about kellin. 


"OH MY GOD" kellin gasped. "finally i see stores, i never thought id see another actual nice building ever again." he said and made a phew sound.

"Don't be so dramatic, were gonna go over here to the mall, wanna see a movie or something?" i asked him as i tried to find a parking place.

"Yeah, how about that movie 'Everything, Everything' i saw the preview of it and it looks like it'd be a good movie." he suggested.

"Yeah, that's fine. I think the only other things playing are like captain underpants and some other shit." i said. He nodded getting out of the truck and waiting on me before walking towards the entrance.

"You know, you clean up nice. Different not seeing you covered in mud and stuff." kellin joked.

"I will take that as a compliment" i chuckeled and held the door open for him. we walked to the movie theater in the mall and got two tickets for the movie.

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