chapter 1

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im sorry this update is late, a lot has been going on. someone stole my phone and ive been so pissed lately... also the chapters will be in kellins p.o.v unless stated otherwise.

I was so sick of this plane, we only had about 30 minutes left though, so thats a plus. It wasn't so much as the flight itself, but the people. I was placed in a row with an old man who snored louder than some damn thunder and a girl who was about my age. I know what you're thinking, 'oh whats so bad about that?' well let me tell you. I LIKE DICK. this bitch has been asking me for my number every 10 minutes. When i was asleep she went through my phone, which i have no clue how she got into, and she added me on snapchat, got my Instagram, twitter, tumblr, and anything else you could think of. She is absolutely crazy.

I could legit feel her eyes on me nonstop.

"Passengers, we will be landing in roughly 5 minutes, please make sure that you seat belts are fastened and be ready to exit the plane. Do not forgot you carryon if you have one. Thank you." The female flight attendants voice spoke over the intercom.

thank god.

"Soooooooo," I immediately rolled my eyes as the stalker girl turned to me. "I was thinking that once we get off of here we could grab a bite to eat?" Damn she is never gonna give up.

I decided on something. "You know what? I would actually like that." I lied.

"Oh great, i was afraid you would shoot me down again, anywho there is a subway right inside the airport. How does that sound?" she asked in an all too perky voice, it made me was to cut my ears off.

"I was just thinking about how cute you are the rest of the flight and how i realized I never gave you the time of day, im sorry about that." I lied again.

"Passengers we are now landing. once you hear the ding you will then be allowed to exit the plane, thank you for flying with us." The flight lady spoke again.

After a few minutes the 'ding' happened and I grabbed my bag and exited the plane, stalker girl folling suit.

"Hey, go on in and get in line. I'm running to the restroom real quick" I told her, she replied with a peppy 'okay' and I waited for her to get in the place before i took off in the direction of the guy holding the sign that read 'Kellin quinn'.

"Listen, I'm kellin and we have to get going before stalker girl shows up again, hurry lets go." I rushed as i stated running to the exit of the airport. I followed to they guy who seemed to understand and got into the car with him, he didnt hesitate to catch my drifts and we were gone.

"I do not think you understand how thankful i am that i saw you. That chick wouldnt leave me alone." I laughed.

"I feel you. Well anyway, my name is James. I'm your aunts driver." he spoke not taking his eyes off the road.

"I'm kelli- wait you already knew that, sorry." I face palmed myself.

"It's all good, she told me you would be funny" he chuckled.


"okay, kellin welcome to your new town. Its not the biggest but you'll grow to love it. Your house is a bit out in the country, not too far." James spoke.

Most of the fide was silent, music filled.

I kept watching out the window, taking in my surroundings. This place was beautiful, trees everywhere and lots of farm land. the houses were scattered out a good bit. James turned on the blinker and we pulled onto a gravel road, looking in the mirror all I saw was dust build up behind the vehicle, thats something you don't see in California. We approached a ranch? this place was huge. a large wooden house surrounded by gates holding animals, horses, pigs, cows, like why do you need all of that?

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