chapter 2

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I honestly dont think I've ever slept so good in my life, that bed was like sleeping on a cloud. I woke up around 11, not too late. I figure i can get dressed and maybe walk around a bit, i haven't even seem half of the property as Aunt Jay said. I walked over to my closet, where That James dude put away all my clothes, i could've done it myself to be honest. I grabbed my dark blue skinny jeans and a random t-shirt, i threw all that on, grabbed my phone and made my way to the kitchen. When i reached the kitchen the smell of breakfast filled my nose.

"Goodmoring sunshine," Aunt Jay greeted me and motioned for me to fix a plate.

My fat ass didnt hesitate to do so either. I grabbed a plate and got a bit of everything, waffles, bacon, eggs, grits, and a biscuit. I noticed that it wasnt many people awake or whatever. I sat down and began to eat with my Aunt, next thing i knew Vic and Uncle Nat walked in and washed up before fixing themselves a plate and joining us at the table. They must have already been up for a bit and were doing whatever it is they do, maybe i could try and do something too.

"Well Jay, Vic got the 4-wheelers running again, it turned out to be the alternators that went out. He ran into town grabbed some and replaced them. They're up and running good as new now. Hey, Kellin why dont you and vic take them out and Vic can show you around some more, Jay here is going to be uptown at the farmers market selling jam and i'll be working on the tractors, wouldn't wanna leave you all alone now " he offered.

"Yeah, thatd be cool, but i kinda dont know how to work one of those things." i said with slight embarrassment. 

"Thats cool, ill give you the automatic one and ill take the other, it's really simple. I will show you the ropes." vic told me and i nodded taking another bite of my food.


Vic suggested that i changed into some old clothes, so i settled for my holy old jeans that were practically gonna fall apart at any given moment and one of my cut off old t-shirts. I decicded on my old converse and went downstairs where vic was waiting on me. Once i got caught up with him we made our way to the shed thingy.

"Okay, so this red one here is the one you'll be riding. All you do is get on, push this button right here and you're set. Reverse, neutral, and drive is all tight here im pretty sure you know how to work that, then you use this to go." He explained to me making it seem like the most easy thing to do.

"Okie doke" i said and climbed on doing exactly what he said. I put it in reverse and went to back out, but didnt even do that successfully. i must have hit the gas too hard because i zoomed out of it and almost hit the tractor.

"on second thought, just ride with me. we will have to work on this another time. Just scoot back and let me on." vic said, i could just feel that he wanted to laugh so hard

i moved back and allowed room for him to get on. i grabbed the little rack thing beside me to hold onto. He put it in drive and began to take me around the property. I thought we  were going to be riding around looking at all the pastures and stuff, but vic drove straight past them and headed for the trail that lead into the woods. Once we made it past all the things in the yard he sped up and i felt myself about to fly off. I didnt think these things were able to do that. Out of instinct i grabbed hold to his waist and clung on for dear life.

I heard him laugh at me. "Oh shut up" i joked at him.

"Its okay, just hold on and be prepared." he said making his voice loud enough for me to understand him over the sound of the ATV. I was thinking of all the possible reasons to be prepared and right as i started to get the hint we hit a huge water hole and mud covered myself and vic. 

"Told you" he said to me and began to hit them aimlessly. It was honestly fun. i loosened my grip on him and watched has he drove full speed through the mud.

"Hold on" he said again and i tightened my grip up a little bit and he ramped up the small hill covered in loose dirt and we went flying, literally. We came down with a large thump and he continued on for a while. 


Once we got back to the main property of the house he started going a lot slower than before and i shifted my body away from his and held onto the bars once again like earlier. He didnt park the ATV in the shed, instead we parked in the back near the pool. We got off and he motioned me over to the water hose.

"Here, close your eyes. Imma try and get some of this mud off before Jay kills us." he made a little snort sound, i laughed at it. He sprayed me down and got most of it off and i did the same to him. we went to walk over to the back porch and as we were walking by the pool i was pushed in.

"What th-" i was cut off by my body being emerged by water. i came back up to be faced with a shirtless vic who was jumping in. My god his body was something else.

"Kellin, did you know you're wet?" vic said and i just laughed.

"Okay smartass, that was such a dad joke." i said still laughing, i caught him messing with his hair and i splashed him straight in the face. I just started a war.

"Oh its on." vic said

after that it was a constant splashing war. we were interrupted by the sound of Aunt Jay laughing at us.

"I see you two have gotten to know each other, y'all boys dry off and then come eat." she said and we made out way out the pool, i was still in my sopping wet clothes. Vic grabbed us both a towel out of the bin under the porch and we dried off. His arms were so huge for someone my age. Like hot damn.

we dried off and went in, we sat down still kind of damp but the seats werent fabric so we were okay. Aunt Jay had cooked burgers. I, of course dug in. Vic did the same.

Once we all finished eating, i helped clean up the kitchen then went up stairs to clean up myself. I went straight into the bathroom, turning on my shower water letting it warm up before undressing and getting in. Nothing was better than getting a hot shower. Just being there letting the water fall on me triggered something in me to make me think about home. I loved being here and everything about this place, but i missed home. I miss mom and my in and out burger. 

I didnt realize how long i was in there until the water got cold. I turned off the water, opened the door, grabbed a towel and got out. Just then i remembered i didnt bring clothes. I stuck my head out the door, looked both ways making sure no one was there and i ran to my room. I quickly put on some night clothes and got in bed. I turned on the TV tempting to find something to watch, finally i came across a scary movie. SAW, i used to be so scared of the movie, but now i doubt its nothing but funny business. I shouldnt be scared. Nothing else was on, so i guess im gonna watch this.

Not even a few minutes in and i remembered why i never watched.

"Hurry up bitch! Just get the key and unlock the box YOURE GONNA DIE" i screamed at the tv, i didnt realize how loud i was until vic came rushing into my room.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Hell no, i dont know  why i put this damn movie on, im scared of it. Ugh." i said. well damn kellin you just admitted your scared of a damn movie about a doll who tricks people. smooth.

"I never liked SAW, damn doll always scared the shit out of me." vic admitted and i silently thanked god for not seeming like such a poon now.

"Wanna watch it?" i asked.

"why not" he said i scooted over making room and he climbed in so we could watch the movie together. Maybe i wont scream like a bitch and embarrass myself.

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