The start to the goal

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Word count: 1104

"Oh come on please for me it will be worth it," my lifetime Best Friend says to me

"Becky we're 15 there's no way anyone will fall for it"

"Give it a chance," she says "this is our dream, I believe this is gonna start it for us"

"Fine I'll give it a chance for you," I say "Okay, good we'll go tomorrow after school to talk with someone to sign us up"

"I can't believe you talked me into this"

With that, I hung up the phone with Becky. we're gonna go to this new wrestling gym that opened up here in Ireland. We were looking for one for the longest time. But the only problem was that they said they take 18 and up, but Becky thinks she can talk them into having us say we're 17 and desperate and can't wait any longer. I think it's not gonna work because we're only 15 and you can tell that we are only 15.

Tomorrow's Friday and we have school then a walk to the gym that's about a mile away from school and home.

I turn on my left side of my body to look at my nightside table and grab the latest WCW magazine and lay in my bed and begin to read before bed. As I read I can't help but think that one day I hope that this is me.                                                                                 xxxxxxxx

"Bex you sure you know where it is" it feels like we were walking for more than a mile I'm sure we're lost

"Oh just relax" she's right I'm probably just tired from the long day we already had at school. I even fell asleep last block, lifestyle and health boring class that we all have to take

" OOOO THERE IT IS!!! LOOK! THERE" Becky got excited pulling me out of my daze of watching my feet force to move down the street.

I look up and sure it is there, a small building down the street

Becky takes off running full speed "Bex hold up " I yell running after herWe run, well more like I chase she runs, but we made it to the front doors she walks right in not scared of anything unlike me, I follow in her shadow being the shy kid I am. Making sure not to show too much of myself, hiding behind her.

"Hello you ladies, lost," an older gentleman asks us

"No we were looking to sign up for training classes our dream is to be a pro wrestler," Bex says proudly

"You sure you girls look a little young for that just yet" "No were old enough," she says once again

"Well let me go get the other man that runs the gym, be right back"

"Bex are you crazy he knows we're too young"

"Oh calm it fake it til we make it"

"I don't know about this"

"Isn't your dream still to be a pro wrestler"

"Yes of course it is but I don't want to lie my way through it"

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