Gym floors

19 0 0

Word count: 

Edited 12-30-18

~Thursday night after the hospital~

I'm currently in my room packing a bag for the weekend

Finn and Ryan told us we will be in a gym sleeping on the ground, so to bring a sleeping bag I packed that already so I'm now just grabbing some shorts and some old band T-shirts from my middle school emo stage.

I haven't been feeling any better after leaving the hospital. I was given medicine for the pain and the dizziness, which is the only thing that seemed to work for the dizziness which I'm thankful for because after the adrenaline washed away I was in a huge amount of pain.

Finn and Ryan invited Bexs and me to sleep over at there house tonight along with four other guys that were wrestling tomorrow. The other guys were busy doing other things and couldn't make it  

Bex and I lied saying we were sleeping at each other's houses which was a stupid lie but it worked.

"Charlie, Bexs is here" my mom yelled from downstairs

"Send her up, " I said from my door normally hurting my head to yell

"Hey," Bexs says walking into my room

"Hi," I say putting my last thing in my bag which was my sweat pants and sweater

"How ya feeling" " my head feels like it's gonna explode"

I walk to my closet and grab some black leggings to change into

"I'm sorry" " it's my fault for not tucking my head," I say changing

"I know but still I feel bad for causing you the pain," she says

"It's okay Bex," I say grabbing my black zip-up sweater pulling the hood up shading the room a little bit making the pain a little better from the light.

" dude how do you feel about sleeping in the same room as your husband," Bex says lightning the mood making me smile.

"Nothing I haven't done before being he's my husband," I say laughing

"Such a smartass" I smile at her comment


"Look who shows " Ryan yells making me flinch in sudden loudness

We walked to the gym from my house because Ryan texted Bex saying they were all at the gym still messing around

Bex and Ryan start having a chat while my mind goes elsewhere to Finn on the computer in his office

I walk to him sitting in one of the two chairs in front of his desk leaning back a bit

"Hello love" Finn speaks softly

"God your the first person to not hurt my head while talking," I say in relief

"Ahhh Ryan has a big mouth," he says laughing

"I think we're gonna just sleep here tonight," Finn tells me typing at his computer " that's good because I already put my things down," I say causing him to laugh

I sit and stare at Finn while he works on some kind of email, he's so concentrated on whatever it is.

"It's not nice to stare love" he says not looking away from his work, I continue to stare though "how do you not have a girlfriend " I blurt out regretting it, not knowing what made me say that  "no don't answer that I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud" I say not knowing what got over me

Trained by the DamonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora