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Word count: 755 short sorry 

Edited 12-29-18

~Thursday the day before they leave for the first wrestling event~

I'm so excited about the event this weekend that I get to see everyone wrestle from all the different schools. Mostly to see Finn in the works, He seems a little nervous though like he's thinking too much or has something on his mind that's bothering him.

Currently, we are sitting in the gym stretching and getting ready for another day of training
"Charlie, you ready yet," Finn says very sternly almost like he's my father telling me to stop doing something.

"Ah um sure," I say jumping up and rushing over to the ropes to get into the ring. Today is a day the only happens 3 days a week, which is when I got to work with Becky on in-ring moves

Todays were working on a move called the Alabama slam, I'm kinda nervous because it looks like if we miss one step the person getting the slam can get seriously hurt, and lucky for me I'm the person getting slammed Yaya!

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Todays were working on a move called the Alabama slam, I'm kinda nervous because it looks like if we miss one step the person getting the slam can get seriously hurt, and lucky for me I'm the person getting slammed Yaya!

"Alright Becky you're gonna wanna pick her up by the underside of her knees," Ryan says
She comes to pick me up but I'm kinda hesitant.

"Charlie are you gonna let her do the move or should we get someone else," Finn says

"I'm gonna do it  just confused how what I'm suppo-"

"What you're supposed to do is let her do the move" he cuts me off before I can finish "Okay" Becky comes back over and picks me up and walks with me to the middle of the ring  "Now what" she asks as I literally dangle  "you gonna wanna lean forward fast and then use your arms to really fling her to the ground" Ryan says

She starts to lean forward and I let out a deep breath and slams me to the ground where my head slams right into the matt instantly making me feel dizzy and my vision goes fuzzy. I sit up regarding that making the feeling much worse. I grab my head to the back of my head and bring it to my eyesight. "How did that happen" I mumble in confused thought looking at my hand covered in blood by this time Ryan, Finn, and Becky are by my side.

"Hey look at me, " Finn says I do and then back to my bloody hand "Ryan go get my car and pull it up front we gotta go to the hospital"

"I'll call her mom to have her meet us there, " Becky says getting out of the ring with Ryan, And there's me still looking at my hand very confused

"Am I bleeding?" I ask "yes baby girl  it's okay I got you," Finn says picking me up and walking to the front door "Can I wrestle Saturday I really think I'm ready," I say out of nowhere
"Not till we goto the doctor first" "okay, " I said laying my head on his shoulder


At the hospital, I'm in a room laying down with an IV in my arm waiting for the doctor to come in with the results. My mom and Becky are the only two people in the room Ryan and Finn insisted they stay in the waiting room. Which I'm kinda glad they are out there and not in here because the doctor asks for my age and just another question. I just don't want Finn to know yet that I'm only 15


"Charlie " A knock on the door before a doctor walked in "Hi so the results are in and it is a concussion and we are gonna give you some pain medicine to take when needed or not if you don't need it but you probably will for the first few days"

"Just take it easy for a while and if your gonna sleep tonight make sure you have someone wake you up every hour and a half but just for tonight, tomorrow night you should be good to go with that" he says "do you have any questions" he says to me but then looks at my mom.
"She's supposed to be leaving for an event tomorrow night will it still be okay for her to go," she asks

"I truly feel she'll be okay to go just loud things can trigger headaches or dizziness so just be aware of that but yeah I think she'll be fine"

"Okay thank you so much, " she says

"No problem you're good to go then," he says handing my mom paperwork

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