First day of training

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Word count 598 shorter chapter sorry
Edited on 12-30-18

"Thanks for the ride," Becky says shutting the door behind her of my brothers used old car

"Ugh I'm so nervous"

"Why because you get to see the hottie," Bex says

"Oh shut up," I say walking in the door first and see Finn and Ryan at the front desk

"Welcome ladies," Ryan's says to us "got those slips signed," he says looking right at me

"ugh... I .um" I start to say

"Yes we both do " Bex comes in with the win

"Great so do any of you have any athletic background, " Finn asks

"Um I was in gymnastics my whole childhood, " I say for myself

"Ah she speaks" Ryan's shouts causing my checks to heat up and duck behind Beckys

"Ey, it's okay you don't have to be scared of us, we're just people, I think I'll take you since you have a gymnastics background, and I'm good with flying around the ring," Finn says oh great I get the hottie as my partner makes me even more nervous

"So ah let's go," he says walking back to the gym for me to follow behind leaving Becky

"Let us just stretch first and talk to get to know one another, " he says

"So how long have you liked wrestling"

"Um since I was like 4 or 5, my dad was a huge fan and I'd be able to stay up and watch with him"

"Oh cool I've been a fan what seems my whole life, and your turn ask a question"

"How old are you because you don't seem old enough to own a gym"

He laughs at the end part " I'm 21 so not much older then you are"

"Cool "

"How long have you and Becky been friends"

"Since we meet on the first day of school so long, " I say laughing a bit

"Seemed like it "

"What age did you start training for wrestling"

" um 13, 14," he says, see he can't be mad at us when we tell him

"So young," I say

"Yeah well I knew what I wanted to do with my life, which I'm guessing you and Becky did as well because you're here now"

"true "

"So do you know how to do a backflip," he says as we step into the ring

"Yes why"

"I think I have a really good finishing move for you to do"

                                                                            xxxxxxxxAfter working hard for three hours, I wanted to stay longer and work on other things because I was just learning the start to everything and I felt like I could do...

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After working hard for three hours, I wanted to stay longer and work on other things because I was just learning the start to everything and I felt like I could do this all day
"Fun right " Finn comes up behind me seeing me watching Becky and Ryan in all awe

"I just can't get enough, " I say truthfully

"We can practice some more tomorrow, I think the finishing move is perfect and you got it down, I think we just need to work on the ropes tomorrow because that's a big part of it, "he says

"Okay sounds good can't wait"


Another day is done and another move learned, also learned how to run the ropes. The best part of the day was when Finn taught me how to do a "DDT" on him then Ryan let me do one on Becky who also learned it

As we learn the moves we also learn how to have done to us

Also, we got to learn how to dive through the ropes, and let me tell you the first time we did that it hurt like no other, but we got up and kept going and failed some more but finally it was mastered

Also, we got to learn how to dive through the ropes, and let me tell you the first time we did that it hurt like no other, but we got up and kept going and failed some more but finally  it was mastered

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