Training and babysitting

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Word count: 1379

Edited 12-28-18

~3 months later~

~monday ~
I woke up in pain all over my body this wrestling thing was really a lot on my tiny body, but I could work through the pain if it meant achieving my lifetime goal of being a pro wrestler.
Today I wasn't feeling the whole school thing, I was a freshman in high school, the shy girl sitting in the back of the room. I didn't have many friends, heck I only have one friend and that's Becky she has and always will be my Best Friend. She, on the other hand, is a ball of energy that everyone loves, I just live in her shadow.

I got out of bed and went to get dressed in sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt with fuzzy socks and Ugg boots.

My relationship with Finn has gotten so much closer, I could say he's a close friend with the amount of time we spend together. It's only been three months but I feel like I can honestly trust him with my life, well I mean technically I guess I already do trust him with my life, every day in that ring with all the risky things he has me doing.

This weekend is the first event Becky and I are going to, even though we won't be wrestling we get to watch other people from our gym that we know and started to kinda be friends with and or meet the other wrestlers. What makes it even better is I get to see Finn wrestle for the very first time, yeah I see him wrestle a little with me or Ryan showing us a move but I get to see him one on one with another person.

I finish doing my hair which was a simple pony with a headband in it, now I gotta pack my gym bag which was an old black backpack the I use. In my gym bag, I put my knee pads and shoes in it as long with a pair of clothes to change into.

I pick up my gym bag and school bag which is the same as my gym bag but a little less used. After I'm all packed up and ready for my day I make my way downstairs. Both my parents are up with coffee in hand probably their third cup of the day.

"Good morning love," my father says pulling me into a side hug 

"Hey hun I need you to watch your brother and sisters after the gym, so make sure you come home it will probably be 8 -11 because I'm going out with the girls for our monthly outing and your father is gonna be late at work your brother will most likely be here and will pick you up from the gym at 7" mum rushes to say it all 

"Okay, " I say not really having a choice when my mom said my brother would be around to help I knew that was a lie he never was home other than to drive me somewhere or to come home to  sleep

It was lunch time and I really wasn't having school so I asked Becky if she'd want to skip the last two blocks of the day but she had a test in her last block so she couldn't. But I had enough so I walk out the door and started my walk to the gym. I figured I'd watch a bit before it was mine and Becky's turn to train

As soon as I got there I set my things down on a wall by the entrance to the gym that leads to the main desk and front door and sat down on the wall and looked for Finn. 

He was messing around with a guy that looked around his age, after about an hour of me sitting and watching he walked over to  me

"Ay ain't you suppose to be in class it's only 1," he says walking over and squatting down to my level

I just shrug my shoulders

"What's wrong don't seem like yourself and plus to skip class, " he says look at me with worry in his eye
I didn't say anything because I didn't want to make a huge deal of it. 

"Hey look at me," he says touching my cheek and making me look at him with his hand "it's just me, talk"

"My body feels like a train ran it over, I could not take sitting in the tiny desks for another second," I say 

He lets out a light chuckle  "yeah that will  happen to ya, come with me" he says

I put my hands out for him to help me up, he rolls his eyes and helps. We walk to the ring and he goes and gets in "oh no Finn I can't right now I can't move properly "

"Oh relax Ima help stretch you out," he says

I give him a weird look with a smirk to it as well

"Oh not like that, you nasty child," he says

I got into the ring hesitant at first because I was scared to be hurt more "Lay down" I do as I'm told and lay on my back

"Pick your left leg up as far as you can," he says I get it up a little less than half ways till its straight in the air.

"Oh you hurt badly don't ya" I shake my head and he takes a hold of my leg and softly pushes it back "Tell me if it gets too much"

By the time my day at the gym was over I was exhausted and wish I didn't have to go take care of my brother and sister by myself but I knew my brother wouldn't be any help so I had to do it because they had no one else. 

When I got home my mom was waiting for me to get there by the door

"Hey hun " "hi mum"

" okay they're  in the playroom and will get you if they need something you know the drill bed on time please and thank you " with that she walked out of the house

I went and made myself dinner figuring that they ate at 5:30 which is normal dinner time in the house
After eating I went into the living room to lay down on the couch to watch some tv. About 30 minutes later I got up, 8:30 bedtime, I walked to the playroom where I hear the normal yelling that you could hear faintly through the whole house if you listened for it.

"Hey guys go brush your teeth and get into bed I'll be up in 10 to tuck you guys in"

"Awwwwwww please 10 more minutes," my littlest sister says

"Hun I give you guys an extra 30 minutes more so no I'm sorry but if you guys get in bed now I'll let you watch a movie"

With that they ran off to the stairs I walked into the kitchen where my phone was on the charger I had 2 texts

Bex: I'm so nervous for this weekend and I'm not even doing anything

So I texted her back

Me: I know I'm so scared I'll make the company look bad

And the other text was from Finn

Finn: I hope your okay and I didn't push you too far today

Me: I'm alright after the stretching just a bit tender still, but I'll suck it up

Bex: I'm sure we won't make it look bad, but yeah I see where you're coming from

Me: yeah well I think we need to get over ourselves lol were not even wrestling yet so we can't worry this much

Finn: you don't have to force yourself to be okay it's okay to hurt :/

Me: I know but if I'm not strong now I'm never gonna make it in this business

I put my phone down and went to go tuck the kids in when I got to the room my youngest sister was already sleeping and the other two were just about to be so I turned on the tv and tucked them in

"Good night sissy," my brother says "Goodnight," I say and turn off the light and head back downstairs and grabbed my phone and went to the couch to lay down to watch some more tv

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