chapter 5 - the plan

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“Hello,” Echo answered the door. “Kim, what brings you here?”

“Umm... Can I come in?” I smiled.

“Umm... Sure” she hesitated.

“Sorry,” the door closed behind me. “I was wondering if I could hide here for a while.”

“Who are you hiding from?” She asked sweetly.

“Uh,” I debated on whether or not to tell her the truth. I chose the truth, “the government.” I smiled.

“KIM!!!” Yelled a little voice from behind me.

“Hi Draven,” I turned around and knelt to give him a hug. He’s Echo’s youngest child out of three. “Can you let me and your mom talk in private?”

“Yea, Drave, can you go upstairs and play for a bit?” Echo asked, she sounded a bit worried.”

“Okay, bye Kim.”

“Bye Drave.”

Echo brought me into her kitchen/dining room. I told her what had happened. She didn’t ask any questions till i was done.

“Why did you run?” she asked.

“I don’t know why. My instincts told me to,” I said slowly.

“If it was your instincts that means maybe you are the dragon rider. The lady did say that she wanted to see you but the government was preventing her from doing so. So, she kicked her instincts into high gear to get you out of there,” she explained.

“That would make since, but why me?” I was confused.

We sat in silence before I thought of a generous plan.

“Can you do something for me?” I asked.

“What would you like?”

I explained to her my plan. A plan for her to carry out. It was so that she could tell my mom that I was all right. Maybe she could even grab me some clothes so I could stay the night at Echo’s.

Echo was going to go to my house and ask my mom if I could ‘babysit.’ But in reality she was going to tell her that I’m at her house. I was to hide in the little area underneath the stairs that no one knows about. The only way to get to this area is to go through this little closet. And even I barely fit through it. It was so just in case the government came home with Echo, I wouldn’t be found.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now