chapter 23 - the princess

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Okay so I was pretty sure I posted this yesterday... but apparently not. So here it is again...

I flew half way around the globe, well I didn't fly but Kane did, to visit what probably is a snobby pricess. Her castle was huge, and in the middle of nowhere. Really not liking where Emerald is sending me. I know I shouldn't  forgive her so easily, but I have so many questions that I want answers to. She's the only one who can answer them. I won't trust her as much as I probably should, but I will help her.

Anyways, the castle we had come to had high walls surrounding it but no moat. So that means no aligators, right? What? Is having an imagination a crime? The place itself was pretty modern. It was a light cream color and had a pool in the back yard. There was three really tall towers and two smaller ones. The roof was a burgandy color and all the doors were made of a heavy wood. The rest I'm gonna leave to your imagination. And yes, there was a lot of guards.

Kane landed in front of the front door. I would have flew right into castle if I could, their probably not going to let us in. So I told Kane that, 'Their not going to let us in.'

'No, they will.'

'Sure whatever.'

I jumped off Kane and walked up to the front door. The guards didn't make a move.

"Well are you ganna let me in?" I asked them.

They didn't move. "See, what did I tell you," I said to Kane. "Their not going to let me in. This was just a useless waste of my time. You know I could be learning at school right now! But guess what, I'm not! All because Emerald said that I had to talk to some princess on the other side of the world about her dragon egg." I was pretty much yelling by the end of my little speach.

One of the guards was instantly in front of me with a sword to my throat, "How the hell do you know that?" He spat in my face.

"Well if you just happened to be blind, I have a dagon! Scary guard, this is Kane. Kane this is scary guard." I motioned between the two of them.

He looked at Kane, then at me, "How do I know he's your's?"

I motioned to my body, "Well I didn't have these swirls a month ago."

He walked back to the wall and spoke into a microphone. I didn't make out what he said but the door opened. I was going to walk in by myself, but two different guards came and lifted me up. They dragged me through the gate. Wow, I'm just getting the first class service here.

I heard Kane chuckle behind me, "Thanks for thinking that was funny, cause it wasn't meant to be." I said to him as I was being dragged away.

They brought me through what I guessed was a garden and into the castle itself. "You know, I have two legs that work perfectly fine." I smiled to the guards. They just kept a straight face and kept carrying me. God, I have no idea what there problem is but I really do want to be put down. I closed my eyes and opened them when I fell onto the ground.

"Ow! What the hell is wrong with you people!?!?!" I screamed at the guards.

"What happened to you face?" Someone gasped from above me.

I sat up and saw two rayaly looking people. The man had a red kingy outfit that had gold stitches and everthing. His pants were black and he was wearing a small gold crown with little red ruby's on it. The woman had a black pencil skirt and a red pouffy blouse. She also had a small crown that mattched the man's. So I'm guessing they are the king and queen.

"Um, what are you talking about?" I asked crossing my legs as I sat in a more confortable position.

"Your face," The queen looked morrified. "What did you do to it?"

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