chapter 21 - first mission

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Mission. First Mission. Wow. I have a mission. Doesn't seem like a lot to take in, but it is. It means that someone needs my help. I get to help someone. To show people that I'm a good person. How exciting is that! Pretty damn amazing if you ask me.

‘So, what is our first mission?’

‘To help a mermaid.’

‘A mermaid?’

‘Yes, a mermaid. She didn’t listen to Emerald and now...’

‘And now were just cleaning up her mess. God I’m so stupid. She’s just going to make us clean up her mistakes.’

‘Well it’s still helping people.’

‘Yea, I guess you’re right,’ I sighed.

I'm not going to let any thoughts about Emerald get in the way of me helping people. Okay, so that’s pretty much a lie.

I couldn't believe that she had enough nerve to show up today. The government think she is missing, but nope. I get to see her. Even after I told her to leave me alone. What's her problem?

Kane started to fly lower and lower. We got closer and closer towards the ground. There was nothing but fields and fields. Why would a mermaid be here? There is like no water. Don't mermaids need water? They are part fish right?

'Yes, they need water. We have to bring her to some.'

'Oh, okay.' I smiled like an idiot.

I saw a town that we were nearing. A really little town. It had like maybe 20 houses in it and hardly any services. They must be like one of those farming towns. Not that I have anything against farming towns. Cause I don't. In one word, this town was cute.

Kane landed just at the edge of the town. I have no idea where everyone was.

"So where is she?" I asked Kane out loud. I didn't want to seem crazy, but it would be weirder if I just found her without an explanation.

'I don't know, let me ask someone.'

"Don't freak them out." I jumped off Kane and walked into the middle of the main street.

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!" An old man's voice screamed from inside a building.

I slowly put my hands up. Wow, this town better not have any guns.

I spoke too soon. Three men with shot guns made their way out of buildings. They looked like hardcore cowboys. One was about my age, with sandy colored hair and green eyes. He had lots of muscle, you could tell. One was in his 40's with a bit of grey hair mixed with dark brown. His eyes were also green, in a way, they looked related. The other gentleman was quite old. He had white hair sticking out of his hat and dark eyes. He was kinda scary looking.

They looked extremely confused to be seeing me.

"Hey." I smiled at them.

"Why are you in pyjama’s?" The middle aged man asked me.

I looked down at my clothing, "Uh, I was dragged out of bed this morning." I smiled at them again.

"State your business." The eldest man yelled with his gun pointed at me.

Have you ever had a panic attack? Well I did. Just when this scary looking old man pointed his gun at me. It was way scarier than flying.

"Uh... I came to help. A... uh, mermaid?"

They looked surprised and shocked.

"Who told you that!?"! The old man yelled.

I gulped, "My dragon."

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now