demon and angel twins part 3

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Lucy pov

I came out the shower and had my pyjamas on, off all my old clothes my matching pink pyjamas was the only thing I kept.

I saw jade she equipped into her pyjamas as well, they where just like mine except sleeveless and a light green colour complementing her hair. We sat on the floor and were both drinking a hot chocolate. We got to know each other so quickly ive only known her for 3 hours and I cant imagine my life without her. I know what game we should play she cackled . I immediately shuddered. Then the words I never wanted to hear her utter slipped out her lips. Truth or dare... there was a long silence. I stared at her she was giving me puppy dog eyes. No lucy. No lucy. No lucy! Ok jay I'll play. I spoke clearly, I didn't even realise I was saying it. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! How could you lucy I screamed in my brain slapping myself a million times. I regained my composure, it cant be that bad its not like im playing with that moron mira. I thought. Yaaaaay! I heard jay (jaden) squeal.

So... lucy truth or dare. She grinned. I thought for a minute I think im going to avoid the dares I get a bad feeling shes thought of a really bad dare. "truth" I replied. she pouted for a second but her face lighted up soon after. Describe your perfect guy she replied. I released the breath I was holding and thought about it for a second. He would be goofy, but charming and he would be strong and support me and he defiantly be a part of our guild I smiled. She smiled at me. Truth or dare? I asked her. Truth, she said without hesitation. Ok who would be your perfect guy? I smirked, she matched my smirk not hesitating for a second , really cute but extremely tough and cocky, total badboy cute type. She grinned. Badboy cute type? Never heard that one before I laughed inwardly. Truth or dare? I heard her shoot the question again. Truth. She pouted, again . Ok she murmured her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she struggled to think of a question. What do you think of me as? She asked finally. That's easy I replied I think of you as a  sister I smiled. Her eyes lighted up I think of you as my older sister she grinned hugging me tightly.

Back at fairy tail with team natsu.

Natsu pov

I kicked the doors to the guild open and immediately started looking for blondie, my eyes hovered over every inch of the guild. shes not hear!! I started laughing like a maniac I ran to her apartment and jumped through the window to munch on her food while she was away and maybe snoop through her stuff but to my surprise the apartment was empty, literally there was nothing! I pouted maybe this means shes moved away, what a pity I wanted to see her reaction when I told her I was replacing her with lisanna and then I was gonna see if I could humiliate her somehow. Shes so annoying and weak she deserves to be humiliated if not beaten to a pulp. why did I go with the ignoring weaklings plan? I smirked evily. Looks like I have no one to humiliate. Coward run off, I sighed. That's not a surprise everyone knows shes weak mentally and physically I snickered.

Jaden pov

I awoke to the sun streaming down on my face. I groaned and rolled over. O-oh. Next thing I knew I rolled over onto the wooden floor. Umph I thudded on the ground with a yelp owwie that hurt I complained. My eyes scanned the room and landed on lucy. I sighed, still asleep. I equipped into a checkered shirt, dark blue skinny jeans and some red and white high tops with my hair tyed up in a side pony tail. i slowly stumbled in the kitchen and got some ingredients out. Lucy helped me so much yesterday, I want to do something for her. I turned the hob on. I decided I wanted to make pancakes. I giggled to myself "I cant even imagine a life without luce in it now."

Lucy pov

My eyes slowly fluttered open and a smell of syrup and pancakes tingled my senses. As soon as I realised I was having pancakes for breakfast my eyes fully snapped open and I leaped out of bed with a bounce to my step. i put black leggings on high heeled boots that stretched above my knee. A plain white t shirt with a black cardigan with rolled up sleeves and fingerless gloves, I done my hair the same and the skipped into the kitchen to greet jay.

"Good morning!" I yelled with a shining smile on my face. she matched my grin," morning lulu!" she yelled jumping up and down. I sat down at the table and watched as she whisked a plate from the cupboard and flung a pancake effortlessly on to it. she then grabbed some syrup and went a bit overboard- if I do say so myself- lets just say she used and entire bottle on just 2 plates full. "So what magic do you want to learn?" I decided to start a conversation. "Well I was thinking of learning ice magic or something." She replied truthfully. "aa cool!" I grinned. "I was going to learn shadow magic but I think I will learn water magic I think it will be more effective against members of my old guild." I smiled. "wow I never put that much thought into it" she laughed. I grinned "I put thought into everything !" I boasted. She then lent me a plate of pancakes. As soon as I took one bite the whole thing was gone. My eyes glowed with satisfaction, that was yummy! I squealed. She laughed "it's the least I could do." She hummed. I lept out of my seat and skipped out the room "better start packing" I sang exiting the room. I grabbed my stuff and asked virgo to place it in the spirit world." Yes princess" was what she replied before vanishing to the spirit world.

Time skip: one hour later

Jaden (jay) pov:

Time to go! I yelled out to lucy . coming!! She hummed hoping into my view. Sooo... I started. Sooo... lucy continued. Were are we going to train? I asked. lucy put her hand on her chin as she thought. "could have sworn I told you something about were I wanted to go." I heard her mumble. Before her eyes lit up, I want to visit my old home first the heartfillia mansion, she grinned. Why? I asked. she looked taken aback all of a sudden and smiled sadly and looked at the ground. I wanted to visit my mothers grave, but we will have to be careful to avoid my father, she told me sternly. "yes ma'am!" I saluted gulping at her creepy unwavering stare, which was surprisingly, extremely scary. Good she smiled opening the door for me and locking it shut.

Lucy pov

We returned the keys and headed out towards the train station. "good bye magnolia." I whispered, turning towards jaden. As I got on the train I was handed a free newspaper by a boy. "Thanks" I automatically responded . I sat down across from jay and flipped through the newspaper. But I saw something I didn't expect. A picture of my father in a coffin. What? I asked myself. I eyed the caption. Jude heartfillia, popular business man passed away 28th may x791. I bit my lip trying to control my emotions, I wanted to scream, shout and cry all at the same time. But I wouldn't cry, I wanted to, but the tears weren't there. Does this mean in the end I didn't love him? I questioned aloud. What are you talking about lu? Jay asked concern written over her face. I silently handed her the paper. Her eyes widened in shock as she leaped next to me and rubbed circles on my back as I hugged her tightly, and soon found myself asleep on her shoulder.

Timeskip: 1 hour later

Lucy pov

I stifled a yawn as I rubbed my eyes, having just woken up. I looked over to see jay looking out the window. She turned around and smiled, you feeling better? she asked. normally that'd be a weird thing to ask, just finding out that a family member just died an hour ago. But truth be told I felt a lot better. Not because I hated him and was glad he was dead, but I knew he would be re-united with mother again and he could finally go back to normal, jay new of my past very well now, so I knew if it was anyone else she wouldn't have bothered because it would be hurtful. "very much so, thanks" I replied giving a small smile. Next stop heartfillia railways! A voice boomed through the train. This is are stop, I sighed hoping out of my seat. She followed and we jumped out the train and slowly made our way towards my old home.

sooo... how was it? what do you think of evil natsu, when I read stories like these you really wanna just bitch slap that douche hard. did I make you have that feeling? even if it was just a twinge? whaaa I hope so. bye!! :)

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