demon and angel twins part 5

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hey everyone! I noticed a few mistakes with the last chapter and tried editing but it wouldn't let me :( so sorry bout that, in future i'll make sure to edit beforehand, anyway enjoy!

I looked at lucy in shock as she burst into golden flames, but I needed to focus. I re-equipped into my Yabura renai armour  . It consisted of a silver breastplate with feathers, shoulder plates, literally every part of my body was covered in silver except my head which had nothing and parts of my arms and legs. He shot his gun and I dodged as I swung a sword which he dodged. I swung again and again, but no matter what he either caught it or dodged. I was panting furiously and my hair was all over the place some was sticking to the sweat on my forehead and other bits were sticking out in the air. I looked up and he looked perfectly fine, no sweat, no nothing. I began to get mad. I ran and attacked with my sword, I then jumped in the air and attemted to kick him but he caught my foot. I looked in his eyes and he looked, bored. I started getting mad at myself and his stupid face. I looked down and saw I was glowing white. I began getting confused. I raised my hand so it was aiming at his stomach. Then a bright white beam, blasted out of my hand and hit him square on in the stomach. He doubled over in pain and clutched his stomach. I re-equipped into my normal clothes and ran over to him, checking out his injury. There was a massive bruise on his stomach. "Sorry." I whispered.

Rin pov

My eyes widened in shock. Shes just like me! I nearly broke out into a smile but then she punched me in the face and started laughing like a maniac. She pinned me on the ground and sat on my stomach and started punching again and again hitting me relentlessly without mercy. I saw the evil look in her eye. Oh no at this rate she'll be possessed by a demon. I tried grabbing a hold of her hand but she jumped back and smirked widely . the evil look in her eye grew and the golden colour of her flames dissipated and grew into blue ones like my own. Satan I growled. Velvet red blood trickled down her forehead and dripped on the floor as he ran towards me. Before I could attack he jumped and hit me over the head, darkness over took my vision as I slipped into un-consciousness.

Yukio pov

My eyes widened in shock as the girl started glowing gold. W-what? I asked myself. I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice a bright beam coming straight for me. Pain oozed in my body, I felt all my body numb and I collapsed to the floor. There was a massive rip I my clothes and an ugly bruise on my stomach. Owie! I hissed in pain. I felt a warm presence near me. I looked up and saw the girl I was fighting, I believe her nickname was jay? She started checking over my injuries and she said sorry. Wait she said sorry? She didn't mean to hit me? I mentally laughed even though my body was screaming at me. The pain was unbearable but I had to deal with it.

Lucy pov

It was dark, I was scared. Hello! I yelled. I started hearing a voice, it was a male voice, it was creepy everyone time I heard it there was always this lingering evil and madness in his voice to. It drove me crazy just listening to it I felt mad, I knew I was surley going insane. But what he said to me made me even more scared. I know it may seem weird but the thing that made me scared was his introduction, a meer greeting nearly scared me to death. Do you know why? Well because his introduction was. Im satan, im hear to possess you. I was freaking out. There was a change around me, everything started getting colder, I was freezing. I saw a blue flame. It was like I was being forced to touch it or go near it. but even though I was so close it wasn't warm enough. So before I could think about my actions, I grabbed the bite sized flame and slowly was engulfed by madness.

Jaden pov

After checking over his injuries. I looked up at lucy. She jumped and hit rin on the head instantly making him unconscious . my eyes widened in shock, she had a sadistic grin on her face and was laughing like a manic, blood was trickling down her forehead and now she was spewing blood out her mouth. Lucy! Lucy! I screamed over and over. Please!!

Back to lucy

-ucy! Lucy! Lucy! I heard someone screaming. I was surrounded by the dark again. All I could remember was going insane then falling asleep. My eyes snapped open, I went to get up but there were chains holding me down. I struggled and screamed but it was useless. I then recalled my fight with rin and how I was surrounded by flames. That's it! I gasped. I closed my eyes and sat down. All I thought about were gold flames. Until... I snapped my eyes open and my flames were flickering around me again. I grinned as I saw the chains slowly rotting under the heat. As soon as I was free the darkness slowly faded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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