Message; 22

288 20 6

'I'll tell you...when I visited you last- I kissed you. Looking at you....I couldn't stop myself. Plus the nurses were looking at me. Curious if we were really" a couple"...But I had to!'

I pause, looking down at my phone. This person...Ethan. Kissed me. To stay with me? Why? Why would they have to do that?

I hear walking in the hallway, but I'm not done reading the messages yet. I quickly turn off my phone and pretend to be back in a coma. Trying to calm my breathing and heart rate. I hear the door open and a sign. Then the door closes again. Leaving me in silence. I slowly open my eyes and look around. No one.

Good-now I can continue to figure out who this person is. An ex-girlfriend? An ex-boyfriend? Seems like an Ex of mine that regretted moving out. Who ever this 'Ethan' is.

"Wait-what wasn't a girl?!" I say to myself under my breath. I look over at my phone and quickly grab it. I don't want to text Ethan yet...until I can remember who they were.

101 Messages from you -Tythan- *UNEDITED VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now